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  • Not that I am nerding out, but I am watching a replay of the 24 Axis and Allies world championships.
    "Dad, I don't know if I am turning into you or my teens turned into me at that age ... but shit is getting rough here." I had to laugh, laugh, laugh ...
    Has a mental health professional ever told you the medical difference between "clinically insane" and "just effing crazy", or is it just me?
    LOL. I'm just joking but people that know me have reason to pause ... I often say that I have my mental health team in the middle of a crisis of confidence.
    I was gonna make a jest, but, in all seriousness - you okay amigo?
    Oh, yes. Guys, it is really a joke and my mental health is really good. TBH, the origin of my joke was when I told my therapist if you act stupid long enough, people think you are just crazy instead of low intelligence. She had a slight chuckle so I thought it was actually funny and embellished it a bit for comedic effects.
    It is going to be one of those days ... may have to load the pipe so I will have something to do when rolling a joint.
    Beer, the cause of and solution to life's problems.
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    That was actually a Homer Simpson quote. I try to live by the wisdom of Homer and the compassion of Al Bundy.
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    Hey, if profile posts don't count towards your message total, do trophies give you 2 points? @wakeisgreat we wanna know.
    I just got glasses so now that I can clearly see what is in my world, I need antidepressants.
    Did you really just get glasses? I hate wearing glasses. I can’t play flag football unless I get a pair of protective prescription goggles like Kenny brooks or Robby Blankenship
    I just got my eyes checked again. I have been wearing progressive lens bifocals for six years. I hate them too but reading anything smaller than my computer screen is impossible without them. BTW, the best glasses I have worn are the Featherlight titanium frames, you forget you are wearing them.
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