
Leader of the Kurt Russell Mafia

FBI agents have discovered an estimated 16 million pictures of men’s genitals, also known as “dick pics”, during a raid on an NSA employee’s home this week.
Federal prosecutors have charged Hillary Wang, a National Security Agency employee for 14 years, with theft of government property and unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials.

It is believed Wang used her Top Secret security clearance to illegally download an estimated 16 million pictures of sexual nature off of unsuspecting Americans’ mobile phones and computers.

“She is obsessed with big black penises and the small size of her Chinese boyfriend’s penis” a fellow coworker confirmed to reporters when reached by phone.

FBI agents seized 14 computers at Harry Muff's home on Wednesday containing no less than 53 terabytes of illegally downloaded pictures and documents from the National Security Agency.

FBI agents seized 14 computers at Hillary Wang’s home on Wednesday containing no less than 53 terabytes of illegally downloaded pictures and documents from the National Security Agency.
“She’s a good person, but it’s impossible to have a 5-minute conversation without her wanting to show you a picture of some black guy’s dick on her cell phone,” a former coworker told local reporters.

Experts believe Wang used a custom-designed algorithm to target users “dick pics” and automatically download them to her home servers.

The employee had been on sick leave for the past two months after battling with severe depression and mental health issues, according to family members.

Legal experts believe Wang could face a maximum of 166 years in jail if found guilty of theft of government property and unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials.
I worked there as an active duty Marine for about 7 years total. That place is full of fucking weirdos.

I never got to go to NSA, but I spent 10 years as an 0231. I do know that the more intelligent a person is, the weirder they get.

Marilyn Manson's IQ is 186. He might be the weirdest freak in history.
I never got to go to NSA, but I spent 10 years as an 0231. I do know that the more intelligent a person is, the weirder they get.

Marilyn Manson's IQ is 186. He might be the weirdest freak in history.

Count your blessings.....

I know you were at 2nd Intel Bn during one of the times I was with 2nd RadBn. It's not unlikely that we've crossed paths back in the day.
Count your blessings.....

I know you were at 2nd Intel Bn during one of the times I was with 2nd RadBn. It's not unlikely that we've crossed paths back in the day.

Thanks for thinking I'm younger than I am. I got out in '94. Back then there was no IntelBn. G-2, Interrogator/translators, Counterintel, Force Recon, Recon, hell, all Intel assets were separate entities. Each grunt BN had their own sniper platoon. I did spend about a year with G-2 for 2nd MarDiv. 3 years with 3/8 at Geiger long before they moved to mainside.
Thanks for thinking I'm younger than I am. I got out in '94. Back then there was no IntelBn. G-2, Interrogator/translators, Counterintel, Force Recon, Recon, hell, all Intel assets were separate entities. Each grunt BN had their own sniper platoon. I did spend about a year with G-2 for 2nd MarDiv. 3 years with 3/8 at Geiger long before they moved to mainside.

Got to Lejeune in May of 89 and left at the end of 95 for Ft Meade. Back in the SRIG days......