Is this how it starts?


'21 Co-PotY
At the bottom of the bottle

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier responded to the governor with a statement, saying,

"I absolutely agree that we need to work together during this time of crisis, however you continuing to interfere in our efforts to do what science and facts dictate seriously undermine our ability to protect everyone on the reservation," the statement said. "Ignorant statements and fiery rhetoric encourage individuals already under stress from this situation to carry out irrational actions."

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier responded to the governor with a statement, saying,

"I absolutely agree that we need to work together during this time of crisis, however you continuing to interfere in our efforts to do what science and facts dictate seriously undermine our ability to protect everyone on the reservation," the statement said. "Ignorant statements and fiery rhetoric encourage individuals already under stress from this situation to carry out irrational actions."
Cowboys and Indians vs the gov...
Gov Noem was absolutely torn to shreds by a Bipartisan led group of SD Legislators yesterday stating a 1990 ruling on tribal sovereignty and the state governments attempt at overreach.

She's a fucking knob job who thinks she has absolute power in that state.

Hell, I was ready to load up my survival "stuff" and head towards "Fort Sumter". Was gonna stop and pick you up on the way.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier responded to the governor with a statement, saying,

"I absolutely agree that we need to work together during this time of crisis, however you continuing to interfere in our efforts to do what science and facts dictate seriously undermine our ability to protect everyone on the reservation," the statement said. "Ignorant statements and fiery rhetoric encourage individuals already under stress from this situation to carry out irrational actions."
I've been considering this since you posted it. Half a mind to sharpen my scalping knife and go on the hunt.
But, consider this from the story: Ignorant statements and fiery rhetoric. Oh? Really? How about an overeaching government that is going beyond its legal bounds?
Way to much bs being spewed around these days. But, the gov needs to butt out of tribal business.
In the meantime, some genius decided my nut hut needed more inmates patients. Let's import them from other state facilities they said. We have had no cases among staff or patients, and have not released any (some are being delayed because we can't find placements so we're pretty close to full) Sure as shit, one of 'em (so far) tested positive. So staff has protected the inmates patients, but the administration imported it. Incompetent fuckers...
In the meantime, some genius decided my nut hut needed more inmates patients. Let's import them from other state facilities they said. We have had no cases among staff or patients, and have not released any (some are being delayed because we can't find placements so we're pretty close to full) Sure as shit, one of 'em (so far) tested positive. So staff has protected the inmates patients, but the administration imported it. Incompetent fuckers...
They just showed video of inmates intentionally trying to catch the virus to get released. Sharing the same mask and water cups.
