Monday Blues


Staff member
Anyone else start getting the Monday Blues at this time on Sunday afternoon? You had the weekend to escape reality and now it's starting to come back in. Anyone have a job they enjoy, where they don't have the Monday Blues? Teaching and coaching has me burned out, but you gotta be a man!

Yeah I get them all the time. Since we've started to go to church more regularly, I feel it more. I don't like this gig much as it wasn't what I signed up for or was told it to be. I'm just manning up until I can get back into the old profession or hit the lottery :). I actually wouldn't mind going back to school to get a teaching degree though. I love coaching youth sports and I always loved going to school (weird I know).
Not on this monday. I dont have to be anywhere until 1030am today. I couldnt sleep Saturday night so i got up and started doodling, 5 hrs later the sun started creeping thru, i knew i was in for a long sunday. Went to bed around 10pm and slept until 830 this morning. I havent slept for 10 hours in well i cant remember. Talk about the batteries being recharged....
Anyone else start getting the Monday Blues at this time on Sunday afternoon? You had the weekend to escape reality and now it's starting to come back in. Anyone have a job they enjoy, where they don't have the Monday Blues? Teaching and coaching has me burned out, but you gotta be a man!

What do you teach and coach???
When is the point where you have to make the change? That's what I'm trying to figure out. As I mentioned, I'm manning up and working this gig, though I thoroughly hate it. (Have to since we have 5 kids and wife is still on maternity leave) I liked my last job until they stopped replacing people and tripled the workload with no pay increase. Only to find out it was because they were being bought out and the department was getting cut. This was after they tried to keep me after I put my notice in to increase my pay which would have screwed my severance package if I would have taken it and rode out the end of the department. All I know right now is that I'm basically a zombie here and for once in my life I don't care how well I perform. That is a problem for me because I have always took pride in my work. Biggest problem is I can't find anything like before and decent pay.