Rocky Bottom, The Pit of Knoxville

SF politicians are a bunch of loonies.

( - San Francisco, the "sanctuary city" for illegal aliens -- now crowded with homeless people camping and defecating on sidewalks -- has just declared the National Rifle Association a "domestic terrorist organization."

The resolution, which the Board of Supervisors passed unanimously Tuesday, urges the rest of the country to "do the same."

The resolution accuses the NRA of mustering "its considerable wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to acts of violence."

It accuses the NRA of spreading "propaganda" aimed at deceiving the public about the "dangers of gun violence"; it says NRA leaders promote "extremist positions, in defiance of the views of a majority of its membership and the public, and undermine the general welfare"; and it says NRA "advocacy" has armed terrorists.

"All countries have violent and hateful people, but only in America do we give them ready access to assault weapons and large-capacity magazines thanks, in large part, to the National Rifle Association’s influence," the resolution says.

The National Rifle Association's lobbying arm says it is "committed to preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

The NRA promotes training, safety and education for law-abiding gun owners, and far from inciting acts of violence, it strongly condemns such acts.

Nevertheless, San Francisco Supervisor Catherine Stefani, the resolution's author, told KTVU-television, "The NRA has it coming to them." She said the NRA "exists to spread disinformation and knowingly puts weapons in the hands of those who would harm and terrorize us."

KTVU quoted the NRA as saying, in response: "This ludicrous stunt by the Board of Supervisors is an effort to distract from the real problems facing San Francisco, such as rampant homelessness, drug abuse, and skyrocketing petty crime, to name a few. The NRA will continue working to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans."

The resolution is printed in its entirety below:

Resolution declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization and urging other cities, states, and the federal government to do the same.

WHEREAS, The United States is plagued by an epidemic of gun violence, including over 36,000 deaths, and 100,000 injuries each year, and

WHEREAS, Every day approximately 100 Americans are killed with guns, and

WHEREAS, There has been more than one mass shooting per day in the United States in 2019, and

WHEREAS, The gun homicide rate in the United States is 25 times higher than any other high-income country in the world, and

WHEREAS, On July 28, 2019, Gilroy, California became the 243rd community in the United States to be the victim of a mass shooting, and

WHEREAS, Stephen Romero, age 6, Keyla Salazar, age 13, and Trevor Irby, age 25, were murdered in the senseless act of gun violence that day, and

WHEREAS, There have been at least three mass shootings since the events in Gilroy, and the number continues to grow, and

WHEREAS, Reported hate crimes have increased by double digits since 2015, and

WHEREAS, There are over 393,000,000 guns in the United States, which exceeds the country’s current total population, and

WHEREAS, Our elected representatives, including the President, have taken an oath swearing to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

WHEREAS, The United States Declaration of Independence declared that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable rights, and

WHEREAS, The United States Constitution specifically delineates that the country was founded to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare, and

WHEREAS, The United States Department of Justice defines terrorist activity, in part, as, “The use of any...explosive, firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device, with intent to endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more individuals or to cause substantial damage to property;” and

WHEREAS, The United States Department of Justice further includes any individual or member of an organization commits an act that the actor knows, or reasonably should know, affords material support, including communications, funds, weapons, or training to any individual has committed or plans to commit a terrorist act, and

WHEREAS, The National Rifle Association musters its considerable wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to acts of violence, and

WHEREAS, The National Rifle Association spreads propaganda that misinforms and aims to deceive the public about the dangers of gun violence, and

WHEREAS, The leadership of National Rifle Association promotes extremist positions, in defiance of the views of a majority of its membership and the public, and undermine the general welfare, and

WHEREAS, The National Rifle Association through its advocacy has armed those individuals who would and have committed acts of terrorism; and

WHEREAS, All countries have violent and hateful people, but only in America do we give them ready access to assault weapons and large-capacity magazines thanks, in large part, to the National Rifle Association’s influence; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco intends to declare the National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco should take every reasonable step to assess the financial and contractual relationships our vendors and contractors have with this domestic terrorist organization; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco should take every reasonable step to limit those entities who do business with the City and County of San Francisco from doing business with this domestic terrorist organization; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco should encourage all other jurisdictions, including other cities, states, and the federal government, to adopt similar positions.
You know what would be awesome?

Trump declaring the San Francisco Board of Supervisors a domestic terrorist organization.

The meltdown would be glorious.
I'd love to see it. They recently banned and rephrased certain words so they won't hurt convicted criminals feelings, cover George Washington painting in high school and now this. it seems they're trying to restrict freedom of speech and terminate second amendment.
I'd love to see it. They recently banned and rephrased certain words so they won't hurt convicted criminals feelings, cover George Washington painting in high school and now this. it seems they're trying to restrict freedom of speech and terminate second amendment.

Don’t forget banning straws, plastic bags and flavored vapes.
@LeroyOU12 , While this is an interesting thread, without a doubt it will lead to a political "pissing contest". I'm going to lock this. We have the "pit" for things like this and I feel that it would be more appropriate in that thread. I would just move it, but I can't move a thread to another thread. Hope you understand the why.