Running late and dgaf

Now that ive almost had 2 cups, oh shit im really late. Now if i can beat the boss in I'll be ok. Who am i kidding. I could start walking and beat that guy in. But no really, f--k im late damn it.
Agreed, once your late, well you're late. Hell i still havent left.
breathe in help GIF
If you're late, STAY LATE. No need to risk wrecking / injuring yourself to get there quicker.

Hah... reminds me of what one of my old bosses told me once.

"If your going to be 5 minutes late then go get breakfast and read the paper, then show up at top of the next hour so it looks like you know what your doing, instead of looking like your a disorganized mess."
Hah... reminds me of what one of my old bosses told me once.

"If your going to be 5 minutes late then go get breakfast and read the paper, then show up at top of the next hour so it looks like you know what your doing, instead of looking like your a disorganized mess."
I love it! Me personally, I'd rather take a beating than be late. Guess it's the military culture of "15 minutes early is on-time, if you're on-time you're late". Old habits die hard.
Hah... reminds me of what one of my old bosses told me once.

"If your going to be 5 minutes late then go get breakfast and read the paper, then show up at top of the next hour so it looks like you know what your doing, instead of looking like your a disorganized mess."
The trick is when the boss is around, walk fast and look nervous.
Usually its not good to tell us to calm down, but in your case ill make an exception. Any of you other rejects attempt that phrase with me i will, well just be advised, please dont.
Yes, telling an ANGRY woman to calm down works about as well as trying to baptize a cat. Had I thought for a second you were angry I would have kept my mouth shut! LOL!