The Trumpster to attend BAMA vs corndogs?

I understand that a lot of long time plans are having to be changed or modified,, Not sure how many wealthy fans we have that fly in morning of,, but the airspace will be closed..

Surely he's not flying into Tlusa. I assumed he was coming into Bham and motorcading there.

I'll check with Flying Tider
FT checked in. Geez, I hear from him more when he's flying than when he's on the ground.

Doesn't know airspace issues yet but said he could fly into Columbus AFB, then motorcade over. Sure be better for I65 if that happened.

Said HI to everyone
Your probably right,, I was listening to finebaum yesterday (i know) and he said there were a bunch of plans having to be changed..

Bham probably not friendliest territory. I'd fly into Columbus and motorcade, though roads aren't as good. Or maybe helicopter over.

Lol, lets clear all the tailgaters off the Quad so Marine 1 can land there. Maybe he could get a ride with Saban
Bham probably not friendliest territory. I'd fly into Columbus and motorcade, though roads aren't as good. Or maybe helicopter over.

Lol, lets clear all the tailgaters off the Quad so Marine 1 can land there. Maybe he could get a ride with Saban
Wouldnt it be great for him to be the guest picker on gameday and drop in via Marine 1 lol