

The Nodfather
The Reverse R P
My old dog, Cheddar Cheese, passed away this evening. She was 20 years old. I inherited her from my ex. She was a pure bred Papillon, was a show dog. Then a breeding bitch. Then lived in a kennel for a few years till she came to the farm. That's when her life really began. She would go fight the hogs for food. She would ride in the back of my truck. Then she would jump out when we got home and run up on the porch and bark at me. She was the best dog I never wanted. She will be missed.

My old dog, Cheddar Cheese, passed away this evening. She was 20 years old. I inherited her from my ex. She was a pure bred Papillon, was a show dog. Then a breeding bitch. Then lived in a kennel for a few years till she came to the farm. That's when her life really began. She would go fight the hogs for food. She would ride in the back of my truck. Then she would jump out when we got home and run up on the porch and bark at me. She was the best dog I never wanted. She will be missed.

Sorry for your loss Nod. Let all the great memories flood through you, shed a tear and tell her goodbye proper. (y)
Sorry to hear. Can feel your pain. Growing up our family dog was Tiger. Got him when my youngest brother was born and Tiger passed when my brother was a sophomore in college. Lot of slow walking and sad singing that day. My brother buried Tiger three times before he was happy with the spot.

Great dog. Sharing a story. We had a neighbor who walked to the church we attended Sunday afternoons for GA. When she opened her gate Tiger's ears would perk up and he would go nuzzle our gate open, walk her to church and come home. When the church bells would ring he would repeat the process, walk to church, follow her home and then come home.
She used to piss me off so much. But this wasn't unexpected, given her age. She's been getting spoiled that past few months as we could see her decline. She hadn't eaten much for about a week and I planned on putting her down this weekend if she didn't pass on her own. Glad I don't have to do that. I'll bury her under the walnut tree this afternoon.