Recent content by Fear-the Spear

  1. Fear-the Spear

    Private Messages

    Thanks Nod
  2. Fear-the Spear

    Private Messages

    I wasn't sure if it worked the same way here as it did at SO. Thanks
  3. Fear-the Spear

    Private Messages

  4. Fear-the Spear

    300 members...

    Both were started by the same guy
  5. Fear-the Spear

    Private Messages

    Is there anyway to PM someone on 5Q? @FifthQuarter
  6. Fear-the Spear

    Please rise for the singing of our National Anthem

    Not much better
  7. Fear-the Spear

    Hashbrown Casserole

    Guess Hillary was right, we are a "basket of deplorables"
  8. Fear-the Spear

    Hashbrown Casserole

    Total and complete blasphemy!!
  9. Fear-the Spear

    Hashbrown Casserole

    It's a little twist on "Bearnaise" sauce ;)
  10. Fear-the Spear

    Hashbrown Casserole

    @OldDevilDawg You got some 'Beernaise' sauce for that casserole?
  11. Fear-the Spear

    Thats a bummer

  12. Fear-the Spear

    Does anyone actually care about NCAAVB?

    Do they allow old men to be massage therapist/trainers?.... Asking for a friend
  13. Fear-the Spear

    New Poster

    99% of it is just "funnin" ;)
  14. Fear-the Spear

    So. Tua to the draft

    True. I don't think many of those guy's are prepared to to deal with monies they are not use to commanding. There's a vulture in every tree ready to feed on them
  15. Fear-the Spear

    2020 Recruiting Class

    Tell that friend to bite my ass! ;)