Recent content by -----slim-----

  1. -----slim-----

    ♪...Isolation Music...♫

    Just now realized the vibe of the thread. Lol. I'm sorry Damya, pay no mind I'm high.
  2. -----slim-----

    Are we 100% sure the Mayans didn’t just suck at math?

    Fact. Y'all ready for us to ruin another season for you?
  3. -----slim-----


    Fuck. I had you coming out in August in the pool.
  4. -----slim-----


    You gotta at least make the attempt to reach it man. That's the Holy Grail. Limber up first with a coupla six beers.
  5. -----slim-----


    I'd do her in front of you and never break eye contact with you.
  6. -----slim-----

    Mizzou recruiting plays catch up

    Missouri and recruiting should never collide in the same sentence.
  7. -----slim-----


    Our quest for alien pussy is almost at the end boys!
  8. -----slim-----

    The new and improved Good Morning thread!

    Good morning to all involved.
  9. -----slim-----

    NCAA to allow college athletes to be paid

    Hope the G league shuts down the NCAA.
  10. -----slim-----

    We are being watched...

    Oh I get it. We've all rode a hog before and her name wasn't Harley.