any THE fans here?

I've read mixed reviews on him so far. Some say he is struggling which wouldn't surprise me given his time at UGA....Then there are a few that say he is lighting it up.....I'm going with the former.
These kids think they are the next Joe Burrow..... then they find out..... 😁
He'll be the starting QB. Day is just trying to keep him motivated and not give him anything.
If he's not the starter it'll be a long year.
Quick, tOSU is the only Buckeye here... someone go grab mono, haha!!!!
I kid!! Chrawrer(sp) would be a great add.
Don’t you dare even joke about mono! Your place in CO isn’t TOO far away for me to drive up and follow you to the grocery store! You’d wake up with a headache and a dented can of beens laying beside you wondering what the hell happened!!!
