BAD ASS CARS, Post them here!

I'll give you that he is not a cool latte drinking hipster from the Pacific NW, but he is a champion, so I'll settle for that.
A champion?? Not at Tennerssee, he isn't. He's FAT!!!!

Is that why y'all hired him? Cuz he's a fat, fat, fat bellied, jowly fat, fat ass!?!?!?! Reminds you of Fulmer's wide ass!?!? FAT! FATTY FAT FAT!
is this the fat coach thread ??
Heupel was a Natty winning QB that was runner up for the Heisman.

Toad's trying to slow down the growing Orange power in the EAST. He knows bama has had nothing in the way of athletic coaches ever. Their current coach is a Pacific NW coffee/latte sippin hipster and Saban's only claim to fame was partime Elf helping Santa get ready for Christmas.