BAMA SGA threatens loss of seating for any Trump Protest

Bama Believer

18 and Counting! Roll Tide!!!
What do you think.. I love it, The biggest thought here for me is Positive but does this infringe on freedom of speech ???

The University of Alabama's student government is reportedly warning that students could lose their reserved football seating for the rest of the year if they protest President Trump's appearance during Saturday's game against LSU.
“Additional security will … be in the student section during the game. Any organizations that engage in disruptive behavior during the game will be removed from block seating instantly from the remainder of the season,” Vice President of Student Affairs Jason Rothfarb wrote in a letter to students, reported on Wednesday.

Nearly 60 student groups reportedly have reserved blocks of seats at Bryant Denny Stadium, and attendees have been encouraged to arrive at least two hours early due to the high security.
The game, one of the most anticipated of the season due to Alabama and LSU’s high rankings and decades-long rivalry, is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. local time Saturday. In the first official college football playoff rankings released on Tuesday evening, the Crimson Tide was ranked third while the LSU Tigers were ranked second, behind only Ohio State.
Sports Illustrated first reported on Monday that the university was making preparations for Trump to attend the game.

It is the third sporting event Trump is scheduled to attend in recent weeks, following a World Series game at Nationals Stadium where he was booed by attendees and an Ultimate Fighting Championship event in Madison Square Garden where he received a mix of cheers and boos.
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What do you think.. I love it, The biggest thought here for me is Positive but does this infringe on freedom of speech ???

The University of Alabama's student government is reportedly warning that students could lose their reserved football seating for the rest of the year if they protest President Trump's appearance during Saturday's game against LSU.
“Additional security will … be in the student section during the game. Any organizations that engage in disruptive behavior during the game will be removed from block seating instantly from the remainder of the season,” Vice President of Student Affairs Jason Rothfarb wrote in a letter to students, reported on Wednesday.

Nearly 60 student groups reportedly have reserved blocks of seats at Bryant Denny Stadium, and attendees have been encouraged to arrive at least two hours early due to the high security.
The game, one of the most anticipated of the season due to Alabama and LSU’s high rankings and decades-long rivalry, is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. local time Saturday. In the first official college football playoff rankings released on Tuesday evening, the Crimson Tide was ranked third while the LSU Tigers were ranked second, behind only Ohio State.
Sports Illustrated first reported on Monday that the university was making preparations for Trump to attend the game.

It is the third sporting event Trump is scheduled to attend in recent weeks, following a World Series game at Nationals Stadium where he was booed by attendees and an Ultimate Fighting Championship event in Madison Square Garden where he received a mix of cheers and boos.
No... you are free to say whatever the hell you want. BUT, you are not free from the consequences.
Freedom of speech used to be something that we cherished in this country. If some thin skinned politician can't take criticism, maybe they are in the wrong line of work.
Maybe it is the thinned skinned politician pushing it on down the line but the VP of student affairs was the one issuing the "warning" according to the video. Trump knows he is going to have protesters wherever he goes, nothing new to him.
Freedom of speech used to be something that we cherished in this country. If some thin skinned politician can't take criticism, maybe they are in the wrong line of work.
Most of us still do Nitt, but that doesn't mean you're free from the consequences of what you say. When you are blocking a major highway, when you are attacking folks who have done nothing to you other than wear a hat you disapprove of, when you refuse to acknowledge that people who feel differently than you do are entitled to their opinion and voice as well, you have crossed the line from "freedom of speech" to gangster.
Most of us still do Nitt, but that doesn't mean you're free from the consequences of what you say. When you are blocking a major highway, when you are attacking folks who have done nothing to you other than wear a hat you disapprove of, when you refuse to acknowledge that people who feel differently than you do are entitled to their opinion and voice as well, you have crossed the line from "freedom of speech" to gangster.
But who decides what "disruptive behavior" is? If I call someone a deadbeat draft dodger but I don't block anybody from driving/walking/sitting am I being disruptive?
But who decides what "disruptive behavior" is? If I call someone a deadbeat draft dodger but I don't block anybody from driving/walking/sitting am I being disruptive?
It depends entirely on the circumstances. There is no "black and white" answer, so I'm going to say maybe. Are you in my face? Are you sitting right behind me and screaming it at me? (for the record, if you WERE doing one of those you would most likely get throat punched.)
It depends entirely on the circumstances. There is no "black and white" answer, so I'm going to say maybe. Are you in my face? Are you sitting right behind me and screaming it at me? (for the record, if you WERE doing one of those you would most likely get throat punched.)
Since neither of us ARE deadbeat draft dodgers, obviously I would not be talking about (or to) you.
It depends entirely on the circumstances. There is no "black and white" answer, so I'm going to say maybe. Are you in my face? Are you sitting right behind me and screaming it at me? (for the record, if you WERE doing one of those you would most likely get throat punched.)
I blame it on our PC culture that have been developed in the last 12 years or so. We used to call people like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a terrorist, now we call them "austere religious scholar."
But who decides what "disruptive behavior" is? If I call someone a deadbeat draft dodger but I don't block anybody from driving/walking/sitting am I being disruptive?
I think freedom of speech should always be upheld, but violence not ignored. Im cool with it outside of the stadium, as long as the protesters dont physically violate others (spitting, throwing things at you, tearing up personal property, putting others or their self in harms way). I think that is the line when it comes to freedom of speech/protesting in a civilized society, we are not exactly a dictatorship or there would be no political parties.
Since neither of us ARE deadbeat draft dodgers, obviously I would not be talking about (or to) you.
I get it Nitt, but still there is no black and white answer. It depends on the circumstances. I used to ride with the "Patriot Guard Riders". If you aren't familiar with them it is a patriotic motorcycle group who provide honor guards / escorts for our fallen service members. A very noble cause by the way. One of the biggest things we dealt with was the Westboro Baptist Church out of Kansas who are nothing but professional hate mongers and protesters. While I vehemently disapproved of the message they were putting out, it was their right to do so. They obtained the proper permits and all was legal so there was nothing to be done but shield the family from any disruptions. I and others served so that others have those rights. Some paid the ultimate price. I guess Voltaire said it best: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
I get it Nitt, but still there is no black and white answer. It depends on the circumstances. I used to ride with the "Patriot Guard Riders". If you aren't familiar with them it is a patriotic motorcycle group who provide honor guards / escorts for our fallen service members. A very noble cause by the way. One of the biggest things we dealt with was the Westboro Baptist Church out of Kansas who are nothing but professional hate mongers and protesters. While I vehemently disapproved of the message they were putting out, it was their right to do so. They obtained the proper permits and all was legal so there was nothing to be done but shield the family from any disruptions. I and others served so that others have those rights. Some paid the ultimate price. I guess Voltaire said it best: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
I am unforgiving of draft dodgers- I held the same contempt for Clinton that I do for the current one. I realize that I should probably just let it go, but while these clowns were making excuses, I wasn't. So it may not be popular, but I'm not changing my mind.
I am unforgiving of draft dodgers- I held the same contempt for Clinton that I do for the current one. I realize that I should probably just let it go, but while these clowns were making excuses, I wasn't. So it may not be popular, but I'm not changing my mind.
No one is asking you to, especially me. Something that most adults have forgotten is that sometimes you just have to agree to disagree. You don't have to agree with an opinion but you should still respect their right to have it.
I don't open up my mouth calling myself a feminist because simply, I am not female.

I don't like it when somebody purports Uber patriotism and still was a draft dodger.

My dad, my 3 uncle's, my grandad, my great uncle, all Vietnam Vets. My Uncle Roger is debilitated by Agent Orange today. I've got not respect for draft dodgers.

Sorry, back out of this I go.
Trump/ Republican supporters had tires cut, leaving people stranded at the parking lot due to "protesting" when Trump appeared two days ago here supporting the Republican Governor at Rupp Arena. Thats beyond protesting. Those SOB's hopefully will be tried and put in jail . BTW, glad the Republican Gov. lost by 5000 votes! I vote for whoever I want. I dont need a mob to change my mind. 'Murica! Not Libya!
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Simplified,, I dont want to be told what I can think, say, or do.. so it would stand to reason that I shouldnt tell others what to think, say, or do lest I be a hypocrite..
I dont like the idea of using our flag as a means to protest something by kneeling during the National Anthem,, I also dont like the idea of having mass people shouting or chanting disparaging remarks about the sitting President of the United States.. I think its disrespectful...
I suppose, in order to live up to the 2nd part of my 1st sentence, I should be tolerant of the protest.. I'm not though.. I suppose I'm still a work in progress.
Simplified,, I dont want to be told what I can think, say, or do.. so it would stand to reason that I shouldnt tell others what to think, say, or do lest I be a hypocrite..
I dont like the idea of using our flag as a means to protest something by kneeling during the National Anthem,, I also dont like the idea of having mass people shouting or chanting disparaging remarks about the sitting President of the United States.. I think its disrespectful...
I suppose, in order to live up to the 2nd part of my 1st sentence, I should be tolerant of the protest.. I'm not though.. I suppose I'm still a work in progress.
I love you man! The Constitution has to be protected, if not, well.... Hell is coming and Im part of it!