BAMA SGA threatens loss of seating for any Trump Protest

Simplified,, I dont want to be told what I can think, say, or do.. so it would stand to reason that I shouldnt tell others what to think, say, or do lest I be a hypocrite..
I dont like the idea of using our flag as a means to protest something by kneeling during the National Anthem,, I also dont like the idea of having mass people shouting or chanting disparaging remarks about the sitting President of the United States.. I think its disrespectful...
I suppose, in order to live up to the 2nd part of my 1st sentence, I should be tolerant of the protest.. I'm not though.. I suppose I'm still a work in progress.
There was a time in this country when you may not agree with a sitting POTUS politics or his party affiliation but you respected the office and the process that elected him to the office. That's not the case anymore.
Whether you like the person holding the office or not, have some respect for the office.

If you can't respect the office, then maybe you need to look within yourself and decide if this is where you belong.

More than one time I've been in the same location as a President I despised as a person. I still stood, politely clapped...not for THEM but the office.

Too bad some have let their hate override their manners.
Whether you like the person holding the office or not, have some respect for the office.

If you can't respect the office, then maybe you need to look within yourself and decide if this is where you belong.

More than one time I've been in the same location as a President I despised as a person. I still stood, politely clapped...not for THEM but the office.

Too bad some have let their hate override their manners.
This... All of this!
Whether you like the person holding the office or not, have some respect for the office.

If you can't respect the office, then maybe you need to look within yourself and decide if this is where you belong.

More than one time I've been in the same location as a President I despised as a person. I still stood, politely clapped...not for THEM but the office.

Too bad some have let their hate override their manners.

And when did we lose those manners?

I for one scratch my head on why certain groups are shocked that not everyone votes/thinks/acts like them and offended and throw fits about it.
And when did we lose those manners?

I for one scratch my head on why certain groups are shocked that not everyone votes/thinks/acts like them and offended and throw fits about it.

IMO, we lost them when people decided every damn thing their kid said was precious and nobody better say anything otherwise.

When saying what you thought, when you wanted to became more important than anyone else's feelings.

I've seen disliked Presidents before but never seen the unbridled hate and nastiness some try to pass off as freedom of speech as an excuse.
Funny how so many said those who fled to Canada or turned conscientious objector was HEROS for standing up to the big bad war machine in the 60/70s.

But now ONE is a big nasty draft dodger.
There was a time in this country when you may not agree with a sitting POTUS politics or his party affiliation but you respected the office and the process that elected him to the office. That's not the case anymore.
Today people can't seem to separate political beliefs from absolute hatred of another person. If it stopped at simple protesting - holding a sign, chanting some slogan - then that's one thing. Although doing that AT the game would infringe on others' enjoyment of the game. Protest all you want, but you don't have the right to demand an audience of me.
But it doesn't even end there any more. No, more and more, the protests get violent. Property gets damaged. And this is coming unilaterally from the Left. We don't see violent protests at the Dem debates. We sure see them at Trump rallies though. We don't see this when Kyle Kulinski talks on campus, but we do when Ben Shapiro does. The Left acts like petulant children, and have been for about 3 years now.
Because of the violent ways that the Left has protested, I have no problem with this decision.
Freedom of speech used to be something that we cherished in this country. If some thin skinned politician can't take criticism, maybe they are in the wrong line of work.
Follow the news and tell me who is trying to silence whom. We are not seeing violent protests and property damage happening at Dem debates or when socialist speakers come to college campus. But Shapiro or Milo go to Berkley and watch out.
IMO, we lost them when people decided every damn thing their kid said was precious and nobody better say anything otherwise.

When saying what you thought, when you wanted to became more important than anyone else's feelings.

I've seen disliked Presidents before but never seen the unbridled hate and nastiness some try to pass off as freedom of speech as an excuse.
My generation sucks at raising kids.
Funny how so many said those who fled to Canada or turned conscientious objector was HEROS for standing up to the big bad war machine in the 60/70s.

But now ONE is a big nasty draft dodger.
That's a convenient excuse for Nitt. He's a lefty, acting in the same way as most unhinged lefties are now, and figured most won't call him out on it because of his service. There are a shitload of draft dodgers. This level of contempt for them all is not sustainable.
Funny how so many said those who fled to Canada or turned conscientious objector was HEROS for standing up to the big bad war machine in the 60/70s.

But now ONE is a big nasty draft dodger.
A lot more than one- but he IS one of them.

I've never heard the ones who went to Canada called heroes, either- they certainly aren't mine.