**BOWL PICK'EM TROPHY....and $100...**

Hey ODD..Just like old times...I expected to sign up to play the bowl games and here we are back to the future. What happened over at rivals ? I went over there and its like a ghost town.

Here ya go...

Hey ODD..Just like old times...I expected to sign up to play the bowl games and here we are back to the future. What happened over at rivals ? I went over there and its like a ghost town.

It was some weird bullshit. Somebody got their panties in a wad and suddenly a long list of the some of the best posters to ever grace Rivals woke up to a permaban with some pansy ass excuse as to why. Many of us weren't guilty of what we were accused of, but some that were guilty are still posting on Soundoff. Hell, one of the guilty parties is still a Mod over there.
Soon the ass whippins begin...

angry tom cat GIF
There's a lot of people on the leaderboard that I dont recognize,, I'm sitting at 20 and only recognize 2 above me @ALADAMYA and @Hillbillyzombie ..
the rest of yall need to start posting !!! :mad: ..... just kidding,,, but seriously... post something :)
There's a lot of people on the leaderboard that I dont recognize,, I'm sitting at 20 and only recognize 2 above me @ALADAMYA and @Hillbillyzombie ..
the rest of yall need to start posting !!! :mad: ..... just kidding,,, but seriously... post something :)

i should have more points and more accuracy but I’m only being awarded like +1, +2 etc. Per pick. I got more than half right and my accuracy is at .21