Career paths you didnt take


Well-known member
Was having a beer with an old buddy of mine the other night. We grew up together and ended up taking radically different routes. Both of us ran around in bad crowds until our early 20s. But he went way further down the rabbit hole and did some rough federal time.

Prior to that we both worked on the same farm and both had the option to apprentice in either heavy equipment like booms, and loaders. And then also in hoof and foot care for live stock. Neither one of us took it.

Looking back on it. Really wish I would have don't my time and stayed in heavy equipment. What a cool line of work.

Anyone else have similar thoughts or options not taken ?
Hindsight is always 20/20. While it’s only natural to look back and reflect and think what might have been had we made some different choices, all of your choices in life and decisions you made, are what makes you the person that you are today, warts and all. I’m not sure that I would really change anything. Sometimes the best lessons in life, are the ones that are learned from bad decisions.
I originally wanted to join the Air Force and be an air traffic controller but the recruiter pissed me off. I was qualified for the vast majority of military MOSs and my revenge was having him watch me join the Navy as a recruiter's wet dream in the same office. I had a chance for any degree through VA Vocational Rehab and blew it. In the end, I ended up doing what I loved, electro-mechanical industrial maintenance, as long as I worked.
After my bachelors degree, I signed up to take the LSAT for law school, but I got hired by a company in Mental health so I didnt show up for that test. Got my masters later. But my true love was always dealing in coins (numismatics), I made an extra paycheck each month on ebay for a long time, but gave it up after my divorce. Sold all my collection for a down payment on a house. I wish I had just kept dealing coins. I loved it. Gold and silver took off when I quit. Silver for 5/6 bucks an ounce and Gold for around $300 bucks an ounce in the 1990s/early 2000s. LOL