Corch O getting a divorce

Coaching at USC kept him away from home. Once he went back home full time it appears that it just didn't work. Bummer it happened, but there are the occasions when it works itself out in the end.
“I’m now available to the great young women of the state of Loueeee-siannnnnaaaaa”, the coach said.
”Go Tigaaaaaahs,!!”.
First thing out of her divorce attorney's mouth "Exhibit A: Coach O, say something."

"Gohghjjyed hgdrj Dshh"

Honestly your honor, could you listen 24/7 to that voice for a year? Imagine, being quarantined for months AND no football until next year. Clearly grounds for cruel and unbearable punishment!"
Oops LA's laws are based upon Napoleonic code. He is getting a new one opened up. Hope that young poon is worth it 'cause it is going to be expensive.