
May not cause, but may be symptomatic of changes that are coming. I'll defer to our local geologist - @TechRaiderRider ??
course you know my specialty
is oil n gas -
but yeah, quakes can affect the geysers
by altering the "breathing system" -
the vibrations could collapse some vents/pipes
which would increase the frequency timing,
or conversely, enhance the system
by creating new fractures
and increasing the system volume,

but i'm not aware of any potential
to cause an eruption
by re-activation of an old volcano -

the quake is the result of a stress relief event,
whereas the building of a volcanic event
is due to magma actively pushin up thru
cracks in the earth -
once these old volcanoes collapse,
theyre dormant and no longer active -

Our turn. Apparently we just had one not far from here. Daughter felt it inside the house, but I was outside working and didn't feel a thing.
On a side note, I am going to fire my 3 dogs. Aren't pets suppose to sense these things before they happen. Knuckleheads gave me no warning.
Our turn. Apparently we just had one not far from here. Daughter felt it inside the house, but I was outside working and didn't feel a thing.
That was me, I rocked her world....

...just kidding....

I can't resist.....I love you sheepdog....

...and your daughter....

....I'm so weak....