For my birthday I'd like to ask all of you

I’m 56 and have never had one. As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen any kind of doctor since 2014. I survived a widow maker heart attack in January of 2014 and was put on Plavix for 3 months. That crap made me so weak I couldn’t work so I stopped taking it. I still smoke and still don’t eat right. I guess you could call me a walking disaster waiting to happen. I’m just too dam stubborn .

Aren't we all, man, aren't we all.
So......for you guys that have had a colon exam, we’re you given the gerbil finger puppet option? That’s the only way I might go for it. :eek:;)
If you didn't receive a stint or have some blockage removing procedure, the Plavix was probably to help stave off another attack while you recovered. It makes your blood cells 'slick'(not clot), usually used while the body adjusts to a stint being placed. You are not supposed to drop it cold turkey, but wean off. If you are not on a statin, watch your cholestoral intake in your diet, or don't be surprised by another attack.
If you didn't receive a stint or have some blockage removing procedure, the Plavix was probably to help stave off another attack while you recovered. It makes your blood cells 'slick'(not clot), usually used while the body adjusts to a stint being placed. You are not supposed to drop it cold turkey, but wean off. If you are not on a statin, watch your cholestoral intake in your diet, or don't be surprised by another attack.
All true, and I did get 2 stints. I cold turkeyed the Plavix although the docs told me I should take it the rest of my life. No thanks to that. I was lethargic on that stuff at best.....
no way did I feel I could do the work I do on it. My job is still extremely physical so being weak was not an option. It was a personal choice that my wife didn’t agree with at all but she understood my reasoning.
Assuming your doc is @ThereIsNoPlace's mom.