Guess who's going to Alabama this spring...

Yessir. April 11th through the 18th for me.

We'll be there on the 16th. Looking forward to it, brother.

Awesome. Whether I can make the beach shindig on the 11th or not, we have to grab beer together at some point.

How about an overnight stay on the 17th or 18th. Bring the wifey and make a day of it. All of us are gonna have our better halves with us.
I hope he makes it down and you all enjoy yourselves. One day, 15 years from now, when the boys are out of the house and I'm free from daddy duties I'mma make it to one of these shindigs. :cool:

You ain't got too far to ride to get there. Bring the boys for a beach trip. Least you can do is meet us while we're so damn close. Don't let this be one of those "woulda, shoulda, coulda" moments that you regret later in life.