I can only do this once

Philámayaye for all the kind words and thoughts. We are muddling through day by day. I wish I could say it is getting easier, but it isnt. I find myself spending more time down at Wounded Knee creek talking with Mom and Dad.
It does help that my daughter has delayed going to UGA for a year to stay home and be with us. She has been so strong for us through out this. Our extended family here on the Rez has also been there for us during this time.

Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ

In the Spirit of My Parents and Amira

Gentle Horse
You are never alone. We may all be strangers on the internet, but we have formed some very close bonds on these boards. We are here if you need us.
Philámayaye for all the kind words and thoughts. We are muddling through day by day. I wish I could say it is getting easier, but it isnt. I find myself spending more time down at Wounded Knee creek talking with Mom and Dad.
It does help that my daughter has delayed going to UGA for a year to stay home and be with us. She has been so strong for us through out this. Our extended family here on the Rez has also been there for us during this time.

Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ

In the Spirit of My Parents and Amira

Gentle Horse
Your father was one of the greatest men I have ever known and we are all better for having known him. You are fair but tough when need be just like him and that is lost attribute in this world today. Peace be with you and yours forever.
I remember your father talked about Amira several times back in SO days.
I'm sorry for your loss.

He was a man of great strength. Possibly the only strength that Amira had after what she went through as a child. It's so sad that she chose the wrong thing to grab ahold of.

@Gentle Horse you need to continue your father's teachings. You can't blame yourself and lose his focus on protecting the innocent.

Life is difficult. That doesn't mean we should stop living it.

Grieve with a positive attitude and show your father the respect he gave you.