I just spent 2 days/ 17 hours driving cross country with 3 kids under 5 AMA

I made the wife drive the last 2.5 hours so I could sleep. I’m doing ok for now.

My BIL is grilling some steaks, and also about to finish some beer can chicken. Kids are getting a bath, and I’m relaxing.
Nice.... hope you enjoy it....
Nice.... hope you enjoy it....

Hope so. We are helping my BIL, and SIL move. He just retired from 22 years in the Air Force. They are moving to the next street over. Then we are going to spend a few days at Disney World, and Sea World. Disney World is hopefully not a nightmare. Then we are going to spend five days on the Redneck Riviera around Destin, Florida. Then a 12 hour drive home in one day.
Hope so. We are helping my BIL, and SIL move. He just retired from 22 years in the Air Force. They are moving to the next street over. Then we are going to spend a few days at Disney World, and Sea World. Disney World is hopefully not a nightmare. Then we are going to spend five days on the Redneck Riviera around Destin, Florida. Then a 12 hour drive home in one day.
Going on vacation to work sux..... 🤣
Hope so. We are helping my BIL, and SIL move. He just retired from 22 years in the Air Force. They are moving to the next street over. Then we are going to spend a few days at Disney World, and Sea World. Disney World is hopefully not a nightmare. Then we are going to spend five days on the Redneck Riviera around Destin, Florida. Then a 12 hour drive home in one day.
Excellent, have a good time
Started in Oklahoma now in Tampa, Florida. I do have two fists full of beer right now.

Maybe I get lucky with the wife tonight after the kids go to bed...
A year ago my brother and sister in law moved back to iowa from Alaska. They have 5 kids under the age of 16. Other brother in law and his 18 year old son flew up to help them drive vehicles back. 18 year old had to drive the motor home with 5 kids in it the whole way. Says he never never wants kids.