I just spent 2 days/ 17 hours driving cross country with 3 kids under 5 AMA

A year ago my brother and sister in law moved back to iowa from Alaska. They have 5 kids under the age of 16. Other brother in law and his 18 year old son flew up to help them drive vehicles back. 18 year old had to drive the motor home with 5 kids in it the whole way. Says he never never wants kids.

That’s just funny.
Hope so. We are helping my BIL, and SIL move. He just retired from 22 years in the Air Force. They are moving to the next street over. Then we are going to spend a few days at Disney World, and Sea World. Disney World is hopefully not a nightmare. Then we are going to spend five days on the Redneck Riviera around Destin, Florida. Then a 12 hour drive home in one day.

I've got some suggestions on places to eat around Destin/30a if interested.
damn dude! You know, we're not 18 anymore and shit hurts more now than it used to!

That's the truth. I ended up in Urgent Care this weekend with a Acute Bronchial infection. Basically coughing my nuts off 24/7, couldn't sleep and started having trouble breathing. 2 hrs later, with a shot, breathing treatments, steroids and class a cough medicine, I felt a lot better.

This shit didn't happen 40 years ago... <edited cuz math>
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I’m all ears.

In Destin you have to eat once at McGuire's Irish Pub. Can get crazy busy so go early or get reservations. Great pub food and beer.

The other places I recommend are outside of Destin

You will need to head East on Highway 98 (Destin going toward Panama City) it's maybe a 30 minute drive and head to 30a and check out Seaside/Watercolor. That's where we vacation every summer. There is a small town center with little shops and restaurants. Kids can run around in the center field. They have movies on the lawn, musical performance etc.

There are Airstream food trucks on the main street. Check out the grilled cheese (The Meltdown) joint and the kids will love the snowcone one (Frostbites)

For Restuarants in that area:

Great Southern Cafe (our favorite-but it gets damn busy because it's so small)-The Shrimp and Grits are the shit
Bud & Alley's-Decent Seafood
Black Bear Bread for Breakfast

Hope that helps. Beautiful beaches in that area.

Ouch. Was there beer involved? Was it a hold my beer type of moment?

There was beer involved but not that much. Got to the top of a hill and stalled out, dropped a gear real quick and tried to make it over. It tilted back and luckily I was able to stick my feet up to catch it from crushing my body
Damn. That looks bad.

It can happen when you least expect it.

I've been on a wheeler since I was 4 and guess it's just one of those things you always take for granted and always being careful. Many lessons learned from this ordeal
There was beer involved but not that much. Got to the top of a hill and stalled out, dropped a gear real quick and tried to make it over. It tilted back and luckily I was able to stick my feet up to catch it from crushing my body

A guy got killed on a friend of mines place doing the same thing.

It was terrible and turned into a legal nightmare.