ITT We think of who we need to get over here

OOH! I know! How about Buford T Justice?

hey you ever pour any soft baits?

No been thinking real hard about it. Looked up molds, stock and everything. Can't decide between injection and pouring. Just think it would be awesome to make your own colors and mix what you know works great kn your bodies of water.

Watched a cool video of a guy that recycles all his old baits and injects them into senko molds. Could save quite a bit.
No been thinking real hard about it. Looked up molds, stock and everything. Can't decide between injection and pouring. Just think it would be awesome to make your own colors and mix what you know works great kn your bodies of water.

Watched a cool video of a guy that recycles all his old baits and injects them into senko molds. Could save quite a bit.

been watching this guys vids a lot, I done screwed around and got bass fever....

hand pour is a cheap way to start, but injection has cool stuff