Lost one of our own last month...

Yeah, he was that, too, though. :ROFLMAO:

I absolutely HATE cats. His were his best friends. It was so much fun to go back and forth with him about that.

Gotta say, I’m on team cat on that one (hopefully not hijacking the thread as I think he would be proud of my cat). Luckily I was watching his eyes and noticed what he was figuring out so I caught his first time on camera. So far he’s done it to escape the back of the vets office and to scare the crap out of my MIL as she was in the shower and didn’t lock the door 😂

Sorry to hear about your friend, guys.

I'll be pouring out some liqueur for RU tonight.
T was a drummer by trade. He was also a DJ, spinning the turntables and rocking some serious EDM. I remember those conversations well. So many times, he would turn me on to the latest Electronic Music he'd found. Back then my son was in high school and I would ask him advice about music because my son plays so many instruments as well as making EDM of his own. T never told me wrong and never let me down. He ALWAYS took the time to help me with advice about musical direction with my son. I'll never forget him. He's the reason I will always root for Rutgers. Sumbitch knew his college football.

He's the reason I will always hate a Shoobie.

He loved living life.

Farewell, my friend. Until we meet again.
Man, we had some FUN 'arguments' over the DJ thing. First time he told me he was a DJ, I said: "Sooooooo, you're a record player, player?" He lost it, never heard that one before... instant friends.
Thought of something else, he is the only one that I recall who shared my fondness for Taylor Pork Roll, NJ produced regional food. Anyone else out there?
Him and I used to talk in email and messages on the other board over the years.

Always loved the guy. Always cracked me up with his cat stuff. The streets of heaven are a little too crowded tonight.