Rocky Bottom, The Pit of Knoxville

Lying Leftists were thwarted. Suck Our Kavanaugh. For life bitches!

As a leftist I don't like that remark. Liberals are just conservatives in rainbow clothing for the rest of us.

Also, Nancy looks like a fucking reanimated corpse. Let's hope she loses the primary!
Libertarianism cannot exist under capitalism. Change my mind.

It's also because at the core of libertarianism is mutualism and removal of any boundaries to access knowledge, land etc.

Capitalism under libertarianism would create collectivism quickly whereas you have Feudal Lord's.

Change my mind!!!!
Libertarianism cannot exist under capitalism. Change my mind.

It's also because at the core of libertarianism is mutualism and removal of any boundaries to access knowledge, land etc.

Capitalism under libertarianism would create collectivism quickly whereas you have Feudal Lord's.

Change my mind!!!!

I would say libertarianism CAN exist under capitalism BUT you have to have a more decentralized political system and strongly enforced antitrust regulations. The natural tendency of capitalism is toward one or just a small handful of companies dominating a market. That puts them in a position to abuse their position be it for charging higher prices, imposing censorship, etc. Monopolies kill the very competition that makes capitalism so efficient.

Ergo, bust up the monopolies and keep the politicians from acquiring too much power either. If they’re competing against each other, they don’t have the time and energy to oppress others.
Shocked, shocked I tell you.

Had the insider been at CBS, ABC, NBC or MSNBC the result would have been the same. For all the condemnation of Fox, they are by a mile the most ideologically diverse of the networks. Shep Smith for example who was their main anchor until he just resigned was a raging Trump hater. Can anybody imagine an anchor at any of those other networks who was a raging Obama hater being allowed to voice his opinions all the time for years on those networks? Not a chance.
Had the insider been at CBS, ABC, NBC or MSNBC the result would have been the same. For all the condemnation of Fox, they are by a mile the most ideologically diverse of the networks. Shep Smith for example who was their main anchor until he just resigned was a raging Trump hater. Can anybody imagine an anchor at any of those other networks who was a raging Obama hater being allowed to voice his opinions all the time for years on those networks? Not a chance.
Like a lot of countries, these media outlets are realizing they are not going to get away with their crap much longer.
Americans are sick and tired if being told what to think. Which is exactly why we have Trump as President right now. And crap like this will ensure we have him another 4 years. Keep it up lefties.

His election was a giant middle finger to Acadamia, the Hollywood/Corporate elites and most especially to the media. It was long over due.

Doing it to them again after they’ve had a 4 year long temper tantrum because this one time they didn’t get their way will be even sweeter.
His election was a giant middle finger to Acadamia, the Hollywood/Corporate elites and most especially to the media. It was long over due.

Doing it to them again after they’ve had a 4 year long temper tantrum because this one time they didn’t get their way will be even sweeter.
And the vast majority of them still don't understand this. Trump has some vulnerabilities that the Dems could exploit. But they don't seem interested in that - they want to run on 3 things. Orange man bad. Lecturing everyone on being woke. Giving away free shit. None of that equates into important policy discussions.
I'm ok with people having differing opinions than me. That's healthy (to a degree). But many on the left have forgotten how to think for themselves, and even worse they've forgotten how to be civil towards those with differing opinions. They want to force their opinion upon others, with force if necessary.
I can hope that deep down they know they are toast. But at least they can pander to their whacko base that they tried.
3 years of Russian collusion investigations.
Constant investions into impeachment.
Secret investigations.

Imo, they all have 3 things in common.
1- they have nothing.
2- protecting vulnerable dems.
3- speaker of the house is 3rd in line of succession.
Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Now we have to find what. Then impeach both, and wala, nancy becomes potus.
3 years of Russian collusion investigations.
Constant investions into impeachment.
Secret investigations.

Imo, they all have 3 things in common.
1- they have nothing.
2- protecting vulnerable dems.
3- speaker of the house is 3rd in line of succession.
Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Now we have to find what. Then impeach both, and wala, nancy becomes potus.
Pelosi won't become Pres. They would have to impeach Trump and Pence nearly simultaneously.

If Trump were impeached and removed, Pence would take over as Pres and nominate a VP. That VP would have to get a majority of votes from both houses in cnfirmation. However, Senate repubs would likely never vote to convict on an impeachment of Pence to allow Pelosi to take over as the third in line.

This is all political posturing because the Dems know they can't beat Trump in the voting booth without fabricating a bunch of crap.
Pelosi won't become Pres. They would have to impeach Trump and Pence nearly simultaneously.

If Trump were impeached and removed, Pence would take over as Pres and nominate a VP. That VP would have to get a majority of votes from both houses in cnfirmation. However, Senate repubs would likely never vote to convict on an impeachment of Pence to allow Pelosi to take over as the third in line.

This is all political posturing because the Dems know they can't beat Trump in the voting booth without fabricating a bunch of crap.

“I’m afraid if we don’t impeach this president, he’ll get re-elected.”


Pretty much says it all doesn’t it?