The new and improved Good Morning thread!

Damn, sorry to read this @tOSU. I hope some where down the line you find peace.

Currently my 22 year old son has it. Us older ones have all been vaccinated.
Positive vibes for complete recovery.

Something I've noticed here in the panhandle, hardly anyone wears a mask. Old, young, doesn't matter tho the older ones wear them more than the younger ones.
Morning. I lost my 65 yo brother to covid last Saturday and we laid him to rest on Thursday. He'd still be with us if he would've got the covid vaccine.
Sorry for your loss bro, I get my 2nd dose next week. theres a lot of people around here that are skeptical about the vaccine, and I'm not going to advocate for or against because I dont think anybody should be told what to do, people can make their own minds up, in my case, I chose to take it because I didnt want to have that regret on my deathbed. I've had enough fuckin regrets.
Sorry for your loss bro, I get my 2nd dose next week. theres a lot of people around here that are skeptical about the vaccine, and I'm not going to advocate for or against because I dont think anybody should be told what to do, people can make their own minds up, in my case, I chose to take it because I didnt want to have that regret on my deathbed. I've had enough fuckin regrets.
I’m getting the second one this afternoon.
Just got the second shot... no side effects so far....
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Ok... spoke too soon. I feel like warmed over shit today. My arm feels like It was slugged by Mike Tyson, headache, quesy stomach, chills and body aches. No fever though... yet, but feel drained and lethargic. Hopefully it passes soon.
Good morning folks. Still feeling like shit after second COVID shot. As soon as the Tylenol wears off, the fever /chills come back. Laying out of work today.
first, I hope you get to feeling better soon,, now I'm a bit worried about my 2nd shot wednesday.. plus, just saw on fox that some states are talking about paying people to take the vaccine, New Jersey is giving out a beer to all that take it... kind of curious there :(