What is some moderately priced tech that makes life better


Staff member
I am always trying to improve my quality of life but never trying to break the bank. For example I love having LED Lights behind/under my TVS and furniture. I think at night it gives and awesome look to the house. Any tech suggestions from you?

A moderately priced piece of old tech is a wood stove heater. It makes my life 10x's more bearable in the winter time when snow and ice knocks out the power.

Other than that, I don't have anything too new or exciting. I'll take suggestions though!
A moderately priced piece of old tech is a wood stove heater. It makes my life 10x's more bearable in the winter time when snow and ice knocks out the power.

Other than that, I don't have anything too new or exciting. I'll take suggestions though!
Not a lot of Prius drivers packing. And ftr, nobody drives priuses anymore, they all drive teslas.

Well color me ignorant. In my defense, I'm old and don't give a damn about this newfangled "Earth friendly" shit.

Tesla is #1