What is some moderately priced tech that makes life better

You impressed me at "hello".

The TINP crew is not limited to 5, we are a quantity over quality gang. We will overwhelm these mods with numbers.

Back in the day, I'd tell 'em, I have the power of the pen. Write a motherfucker up in a heartbeat. Now they got "lock your ass down" with a push of a button on a keyboard.

Keep living the dream, bro. That's what the ones in control want us to do.
First year of that generation 7.3.

My uncle had a '99 with 350k+ when he sold it and still regrets it.

My dad's best friend still has his at 280k.

Note: Said uncle is not blood related. ;)
My dad has one of that vintage. I'm not entirely sure how many miles. 300 thousand give or take. It is on its 3rd tranny though. The 2nd that got put in it was junk.
Back in the day, I'd tell 'em, I have the power of the pen. Write a motherfucker up in a heartbeat. Now they got "lock your ass down" with a push of a button on a keyboard.

Keep living the dream, bro. That's what the ones in control want us to do.

Life's like a single jar of peanut butter without a spoon....some give up when they can't get the last bit out, some break the jar and cut their tongue trying to lap it up, some of us can lick all the way to the bottom of the jar.
It’s crazy. There are Tesla’s everywhere in my area. Now it’s almost a given that any house I work on, they’re gonna need a Tesla charger installed. You can charge them off of 110 with an adapter, but if you don’t want it to take a day, you gotta put that bitch on a 90amp circuit. They’re really nice, but I could never get one. I don’t want to be one of those Tesla people. All the people I know who have them are cunts.
I believe that the title of the thread contains a small grammatical faux pas. The use of the pronoun "some" as a greater than one numerical qualifier in conjunction with the verb "IS" introduces an unintended conflict resulting in a plurality error. The pronoun "some" implies more than one and is better paired with the present plural "are." For example, "What ARE some moderately ... "

In contrast, when using the singular verb "is," "A" becomes the more appropriate selection, leading to, "What is A moderately ..."

I was told there would be no math. You tricky bastards.