Wk 6 CFB Thread

I think she smells blood in the water this year. Some of her posts have a different tone to them. Before she would trash t and really knew BAMA was gonna win if not make mincemeat outta the viles.
And I don't blame her. BAMA has had a couple of real stinkers this year already.
Please invite her over. Tell her Toad extends a Walking Dead sig as invite.

Chip has UCLA all the way back......so far.

Oregon and USC.....not to mention ASU who isn't good but they just beat Washington and could be a tough out. And at Cal after USC so that could be a letdown game if USC beats us. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Going to Oregon is going to be tough but wouldn’t be surprised if you pulled off a win. I got a gut feeling you are in for an upset at ASU. Games there and ASU is a different team than a couple weeks ago.
What a game. I asked in a thread if I was dreaming:sleep: cause I couldn't believe that game.
We had our own dream game in Lexington, but we're still a step behind y'all. We have three freshmen in the defensive backfield, and they're just starting to pull it together. Looking forward to our game later in the schedule.