Y'all ever play "King of the Mountain" when you were kids?


'21 Co-PotY
At the bottom of the bottle
A mound of anything and a bunch of friends. If you got to the top, EVERYBODY came after you from all sides at the same time. It was easier to get on top than it was to stay there.

I'm blown away that UGA pulled off 2 in a row. I didn't see it coming and neither did you. Now we talk about a 3-peat. King of the Mountain.

The only thing I'm sure of is that the only team that can beat UGA right now is UGA. Head on a swivel players, be the best you.

I don't expect a 3-peat, but I'll take it if it happens.
made up a game
when we were in our late teens -
girlfriend drove her car,
and me and a couple buddies
would climb out on top the car,
while we were movin,
and jump off & attempt to land
in the bushes on the side of the road -
we got bloody a few times...

good times...
No wonder you and @Nod4Eight are good friends... 😁...
made up a game
when we were in our late teens -
girlfriend drove her car,
and me and a couple buddies
would climb out on top the car,
while we were movin,
and jump off & attempt to land
in the bushes on the side of the road -
we got bloody a few times...

good times...
Will you please quit posting in Haiku style? :LOL: I keep looking for rhymes!
He’s one of those smart guys that likes poetry that doesn’t rhyme.

Also not afraid of sharks, alligators or snakes.

Probably an alien. I try to stay on his good side.
He is a great dude! Showed up to my wedding at the rehearsal. Helped out with setting up some decorations.

Many others did as well, such as the Ute, ODD and others. But Mrs Nod had never met him before and he made an impression on her that night because he was very polite and helpful. It's a wonder he fits in here....
He is a great dude! Showed up to my wedding at the rehearsal. Helped out with setting up some decorations.

Many others did as well, such as the Ute, ODD and others. But Mrs Nod had never met him before and he made an impression on her that night because he was very polite and helpful. It's a wonder he fits in here....
Good to see you posting Nod, I hope all is well! I wish I had come to your wedding, sounds like a great time. Same thing for @OldDevilDawg wedding, I remember seeing posts about some guy jumping off a roof.