Your dinner tonight?

Pizza and beer. Damn I’m getting old. Friday night, 6:45 local time, wife on couch in robe and pajamas, I’m sitting next to fireplace with dogs, searching a football board. Guess what, I am as happy as can be.
Where’s the pizza from bro?
Looks like we are about to switch to gluten free food at the house. Motherfucker.
That sucks. My wife has switched to it for the most part, she still eats a little but rarely. She's been fighting stomach issues for years and going gluten free has really helped. The hardest thing for her is she loves bread.
That sucks. My wife has switched to it for the most part, she still eats a little but rarely. She's been fighting stomach issues for years and going gluten free has really helped. The hardest thing for her is she loves bread.
Same here. The wife is having to make the change so naturally I have to be committed. Sucks.
Where’s the pizza from bro?
Local pizza place. The family that owns it are well known in town. Never confirmed the story but rumor has it he was a big name chef in OC who got tired of working for others and opened his own fancy place here in town that is very successful. We ate at his less fancy blue collar pizza place.