11/29/18 A day that will go down in message board infamy


Back to herding cats...
Staff member
High atop Negro Mountain
The great Rivals purge. Yep, they won the battle, but here we are. We are active and growing, they are dying in private, won't let anyone see what's going on, but fair enough, hospice has rules. They rule over an empire of private dirt. We are a privately owned community owned by one of our own and not some bankrupt corporation who hires ladkeys to oversee things, but a public community open to all who have the interest and the willingness to just get along, have fun, learn things, and get a wellspring of advice from the collective wisdom gathered here. The heart and soul of that board now call this home. For those of you who may just be lurking, because of that whole private thing you think you can hide behind, and you know who you are, I got news for you:

The war is over. @FifthQuarter Won. Suck dirt losers, and like it, it is your creation

To those of you lurking who have no idea of me knowing who you are and what you're hiding, that means it's not you. Please jump in, the water's fine...
Indeed. I have the email string saved. Seems he did not have a big enough dick to get my mod email deleted, even after I posted it on that board...
The crazy thing to me was all the collateral damage, folks who really didn't do anything but were casualties of the power struggle. I earned a ban. I knew the rules and broke them. The extent of it was way beyond anything reasonable though. Never before had I seen anyone get an IP ban / perma-ban for what was posted. I hope they're happy in their little fiefdom.
The crazy thing to me was all the collateral damage, folks who really didn't do anything but were casualties of the power struggle. I earned a ban. I knew the rules and broke them. The extent of it was way beyond anything reasonable though. Never before had I seen anyone get an IP ban / perma-ban for what was posted. I hope they're happy in their little fiefdom.

Nobody had. Quite a few caught temporary bans (cough, cough @OldDevilDawg cough, cough) but not to that extent. They banned people who did not post boobs, did not reply in the boob thread and people that had never even been invited to PH. Others who did all of the above were not. I don't get it. There's no $ involved for the rat that wanted to rule. I confess, the all expense paid for winter "conference" on Rivals Island was embellished a bit, well actually completely, but to be fair, I came up with it long before I was a mod...
Nobody had. Quite a few caught temporary bans (cough, cough @OldDevilDawg cough, cough) but not to that extent. They banned people who did not post boobs, did not reply in the boob thread and people that had never even been invited to PH. Others who did all of the above were not. I don't get it. There's no $ involved for the rat that wanted to rule. I confess, the all expense paid for winter "conference" on Rivals Island was embellished a bit, well actually completely, but to be fair, I came up with it long before I was a mod...
Things have a way of working out though, we've been through a couple of migrations, but THIS feels like home, and I for one am happy to be here.
When I was first offered to post on the purple board I turned it down.

Later on I realized it was nice to be offered to have a board like that to talk to other posters on.

Unlike most I freely admit I posted content I shouldn't have. And dont really feel bad about it. Other than the problems it caused for others. And that I was working on something pretty important for a member that was being harassed in real life by one of our posters and I was working on trying to figure out who it was.

The night it all went down, I talked to both cowpoke and AR. As soon as @CowpokeU let me know he was banned. I knew I was right behind him. And mine happened about an hour later. All in all, lifted a big weight off my shoulders not having to mod anymore. But it did go down super sketchy.
I remember finding out about my banishment. It was a couple days later, on a Saturday. I had just returned from a parade and was ready to game thread the Sun Belt Championship only to find out I had been caught up in the dumbshit by the dumbshits in charge of Rivals. I wound up having to keep a communication going with Autzen just to get all that squared away, but from that point on I've had no respect for Greg Ladky or anyone else with authority over the site. I even stopped posting there for a while after an incident at the Basketball board with misogynist dipshit Kevin Bryan modding there before deciding to just stick to the Soundoff.

I like posting there, I just don't like the dicks in charge. The Hoop seems okay though at times it comes off as more of an "I need you to know that I'm a an asshole!" vibe at times. I like it here. The only issue here is that it can get a bit quiet at times. But at least here I don't feel dirty.
I like it here. The only issue here is that it can get a bit quiet at times. But at least here I don't feel dirty.
Sidestory: I always thought the lyric in VHs Hot for Teacher was "I don't feel dirty" until just now when I searched for a gif to respond to you.
