Email Issues Fixed

A lot of you have been having a lot of issues with email confirmations not coming through and email notifications not disabling properly. Both of these issues should be fixed now and if you keep having trouble please reach out to me.
You rock, dude! Thanks for working on this stuff. We are gonna get quite a few new members here pretty quick.
yep - pretty cool site -
great job, KillyP -

wreck em!!
same here -
i'd be glad to kick in -

one request tho -
i'd like to fund a few TBs of addl storage,
so we can upload larger files,
maybe in the 1.5 - 3.5 range -

guns up!!

I am working on all uploaded attachments going to the Amazon S3 bucket instead of the VPS. Once I get that done I will increase the upload limit by quite a bit because S3 storage is cheap.