Every single person in my family except for me

Hates Donald Trump. They can’t really explain why other than he’s a racist and he didn’t handle the covid crisis well.

But when he made that statement that the US should re open it’s NFL season and start on time with fans in the seats; it made me love him even more.
He acted swifter than any other country and the media and Dems called him a racist xeophboe and that the virus was no big deal.

Then they said he didn't act fast enough.

Orange man bad.
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He acted swifter than any other country and the media and Dems called him a racist xeophboe and that the virus was no big deal.

Then they said he didn't act fast enough.

Orange man bad.

At Christmas dinner I had to endure the trump bashing to a point where when we opened up a secret Santa gift it was a trump chia pet and everybody laughed at the fact that it was orange.
If you follow me on "the boards" you should know I'm an American first and a staunch political Independent.

I was unsure of the Trump Presidency(ignoring it, to be honest) until this crisis. I will now be voting for this man (if they let us) after his leading the Coronavirus Task Force. Is he a polished politician, or human being?....no....is he hilarious on the mic...yes....is he the leader we need right now, most likely.

Does it mean I'm Republican? Fuck no.

Does it mean I'm Democrat? Fuck no.

At Christmas dinner I had to endure the trump bashing to a point where when we opened up a secret Santa gift it was a trump chia pet and everybody laughed at the fact that it was orange.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve was always a big gathering at my grandmother's place and shifted to our's after she passed.

Not that there would have been much dissension, but politics never came up.

Most of the time we hunted those mornings too.
At Christmas dinner I had to endure the trump bashing to a point where when we opened up a secret Santa gift it was a trump chia pet and everybody laughed at the fact that it was orange.

I piss everyone off at the holidays.

I am for the opposite of what you are preaching at the dinner table. I make sure your blood pressure raises before you leave.
Unorthodox, yes,,, does he send out childish tweets and engage in seemingly immature back and forth banter,, yes, Unpresedential? maybe,, but he seems to be for the working man and he's making winning deals all the time.. The best leaders surround themselves with professionals and they organize their thoughts and make best case decisions..
Transparency much,, ever seen a president hold daily news conferences? and I'm really impressed with Mike Pence,,
I'll vote for them again.
People with TDS are pathetic. They have an irrational hate and cannot explain why. Then they spit the same 6 or 7 talking points that have been debunked, but they refuse to acknowledge the truth. It exposes their foolishness.
That’s the thing....I don’t even care if someone hates Trump. But I get goddamned angry when they can’t elaborate as to why, and if they try it’s the same, tired, disproven reasons you alluded to. I cannot stand people with such strong, vitriolic opinions stemming from ignorance or laziness.