Every single person in my family except for me

It’s a 50/50 split at my in-laws. So politics is usually ignored or not talked about. It’s gotten heated a couple of times between my wife’s aunt and her kids. I usually stay out of it.

At my family it’s My Dad vs everybody else so we usually ignore politics as well, Lately. Back in the day it used to get super heated with my older brothers and my Dad.

Frankly, I don’t see the benefit of arguing it with family, of course, now, the sports debates get even more intense.
Should I go ahead and be labeled as probably the most liberal on this forum? I don't "hate" Trump. I think he hasn't been the best but also probably hasn't been the worst ever. Yeah, he does some things that make me go "oh boy" but even I do things that make me say that. I mean, no matter who is the president they will get ridiculed and maligned for anything and everything. That's part of the job. And I'll go ahead and admit that I'm not as up to date as I should be on politics. Part of that is because my family just doesn't care at all so I've never been interested, but when I see people arguing I just want to fix it and make everyone view the other's opinion. It's exhausting and anxiety inducing so if I ever say something truly ignorant relating to politics, be patient with me because I really didn't know better :)
Should I go ahead and be labeled as probably the most liberal on this forum? I don't "hate" Trump. I think he hasn't been the best but also probably hasn't been the worst ever. Yeah, he does some things that make me go "oh boy" but even I do things that make me say that. I mean, no matter who is the president they will get ridiculed and maligned for anything and everything. That's part of the job. And I'll go ahead and admit that I'm not as up to date as I should be on politics. Part of that is because my family just doesn't care at all so I've never been interested, but when I see people arguing I just want to fix it and make everyone view the other's opinion. It's exhausting and anxiety inducing so if I ever say something truly ignorant relating to politics, be patient with me because I really didn't know better :)

Just remember that political opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

As an old Jarhead (USMC), I have always said that when I raised my right hand and swore to uphold the Constitution, nobody asked me if I was Republican or Democrat. I'm an American. One of the most difficult things I had to learn back in those days......As a member of the military, it was my responsibility to defend the Rights of ALL Americans...even those I disagreed with.

You'll find out that most of us here don't really identify with either party, we all lean left or right of center, but not far enough to agree with the extreme on either side.
Just remember that political opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

As an old Jarhead (USMC), I have always said that whemoten I raised my right hand and swore to uphold the Constitution, nobody asked me if I was Republican or Democrat. I'm an American. One of the most difficult things I had to learn back in those days......As a member of the military, it was my responsibility to defend the Rights of ALL Americans...even those I disagreed with.

You'll find out that most of us here don't really identify with either party, we all lean left or right of center, but not far enough to agreeat with the extreme on either side.
I Identify as libertarian. Great individual freedom. Great individual responsibility. Most seem to like the former more than the latter. The basis of my belief is the preamble to the constitution. Once you look at the adverbs that were used to describe the functions of what the govenment's role is.

Establish Justice
Insure Domestic Tranquility
Provide for the Common defense
Promote the general welfare
Secure blessings of liberty

One is not like the others. 4/5 are required actions. 1/5 is open to interpretation.

IMO, 3/5 are still in place. The blessings of liberty are under attack and questionable because too many people are willing to trade freedom for security at the price of the rest of us having to carry their asses, and now they are becoming mainstream...
I Identify as libertarian. Great individual freedom. Great individual responsibility. Most seem to like the former more than the latter. The basis of my belief is the preamble to the constitution. Once you look at the adverbs that were used to describe the functions of what the govenment's role is.

Establish Justice
Insure Domestic Tranquility
Provide for the Common defense
Promote the general welfare
Secure blessings of liberty

One is not like the others. 4/5 are required actions. 1/5 is open to interpretation.

IMO, 3/5 are still in place. The blessings of liberty are under attack and questionable because too many people are willing to trade freedom for security at the price of the rest of us having to carry their asses, and now they are becoming mainstream...

Ben Franklin spoke on this if I'm not mistaken.
I Identify as libertarian. Great individual freedom. Great individual responsibility. Most seem to like the former more than the latter. The basis of my belief is the preamble to the constitution. Once you look at the adverbs that were used to describe the functions of what the govenment's role is.

Establish Justice
Insure Domestic Tranquility
Provide for the Common defense
Promote the general welfare
Secure blessings of liberty

One is not like the others. 4/5 are required actions. 1/5 is open to interpretation.

IMO, 3/5 are still in place. The blessings of liberty are under attack and questionable because too many people are willing to trade freedom for security at the price of the rest of us having to carry their asses, and now they are becoming mainstream...
For the illusion of security. Because if the gov decides to go eff you then you are effed.
I Identify as libertarian. Great individual freedom. Great individual responsibility. Most seem to like the former more than the latter. The basis of my belief is the preamble to the constitution. Once you look at the adverbs that were used to describe the functions of what the govenment's role is.

Establish Justice
Insure Domestic Tranquility
Provide for the Common defense
Promote the general welfare
Secure blessings of liberty

One is not like the others. 4/5 are required actions. 1/5 is open to interpretation.

IMO, 3/5 are still in place. The blessings of liberty are under attack and questionable because too many people are willing to trade freedom for security at the price of the rest of us having to carry their asses, and now they are becoming mainstream...
yes sir - liberties n freedoms
coupled with
duties n responsibilities -