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So for all PG’s insistence that I can’t handle message boards and bring about my own destruction, of the 3 examples (Rivals, Hoopla Pit and Hoopla overall), one was legitimate (by my own admission) and the other two, not. Now he’s desperate to spin it otherwise, and probably successful in doing so over at the Hoop, but y’all know me, and thus know better. As I said last night, I came here hoping to rekindle what we had over at Rivals, and even more specifically what we had on Purple Menace, as in the many months we all posted there, there was never ONE single argument or spat. And while I’d be for just about any rivals poster coming over (with a few obvious exceptions), I would never complain if a poster I liked, say Flux, was not invited because others already here, like aubie, may take issue with him. Because I thought that’s what we’d all agreed to. Apparently I was mistaken in that. Knowing who Peter is and what he is, I cannot coexist with him. Again, that in no way excuses or justifies what I said Monday night. But he and I cannot both be here. Apparently Couch feels the same way. If you guys enjoy him, so be it, I sincerely hope you do, but if my opinion still counts for anything (and can understand if it doesn’t), don’t be fooled, and don’t trust him. Laugh and joke and converse, but, always keep in mind it’s a facade.

As for handi, as much was made of him last night, not sure why he’s brought up in association to me, save he (and I am among those that suspect the handle was shared, possibly and probably even by Peter) was constantly trying to goad and antagonize me, unsuccessfully. One of those constantly bitching to Fordman. I could care less. However, as he is a polarizing figure (some hate him, others claim he’s just a jokester), he’s a good example of someone that many here wouldn’t want here, as it would destroy the dynamic and purpose.

So yeah, I am bouncing, as he and I just can’t co-exist, and given he seems popular, and I burned my own bridges, I don’t think I’m wanted around here anymore, anyhow. Consider it a self imposed ban. I regret deeply what I said, as it shamed me, hurt others, and was unjustifiable even if said to someone I detest. I cant take it back. So, I can only take my licks, admit I did it, apologize, and move on.

On that final note. Peter apparently rejects my apology (I can understand this, in all fairness), but makes some absurd statements like, “which would only be forgivable if he had the balls to say it to me and take a smack in the mouth”, as though I was gonna fly out to Vegas to meet up with him in person. He later ads, “Btw toad never apologized, and only feels shame for what everyone has seen. He isnt sorry, and didnt apologize to me.” Well, @Peter Gozintite I AM sorry about the things I said. Sincerely. I thought my post was pretty straightforward, but apparently since it wasn’t in reply to you, it didn’t count? Well, I DID mean it. And yes, I am also ashamed, but it’s far more because of personal guilt than concern of appearance, though I absolutely hate that I have forever tarnished my own name and reputation amongst people I care about and who I respect. So, take some satisfaction there. I loathe you, but I had no right to say what I did.
Don't know Peter and Hoopla is a shit show and always will be. Don't walk over this man. Peter isn't one of us and needs to be shown the door.
Could have been worse. Could have been born in Florida...
As for all the other drama,,, F--- that.... It's over now.... Nothing that i can say that hasn't already been said by someone.. Time to turn the page. I will say I am apprehensive and will do a little bit more lurking and less posting for a few days.
Girl please, you better be here posting.

So for all PG’s insistence that I can’t handle message boards and bring about my own destruction, of the 3 examples (Rivals, Hoopla Pit and Hoopla overall), one was legitimate (by my own admission) and the other two, not. Now he’s desperate to spin it otherwise, and probably successful in doing so over at the Hoop, but y’all know me, and thus know better. As I said last night, I came here hoping to rekindle what we had over at Rivals, and even more specifically what we had on Purple Menace, as in the many months we all posted there, there was never ONE single argument or spat. And while I’d be for just about any rivals poster coming over (with a few obvious exceptions), I would never complain if a poster I liked, say Flux, was not invited because others already here, like aubie, may take issue with him. Because I thought that’s what we’d all agreed to. Apparently I was mistaken in that. Knowing who Peter is and what he is, I cannot coexist with him. Again, that in no way excuses or justifies what I said Monday night. But he and I cannot both be here. Apparently Couch feels the same way. If you guys enjoy him, so be it, I sincerely hope you do, but if my opinion still counts for anything (and can understand if it doesn’t), don’t be fooled, and don’t trust him. Laugh and joke and converse, but, always keep in mind it’s a facade.

As for handi, as much was made of him last night, not sure why he’s brought up in association to me, save he (and I am among those that suspect the handle was shared, possibly and probably even by Peter) was constantly trying to goad and antagonize me, unsuccessfully. One of those constantly bitching to Fordman. I could care less. However, as he is a polarizing figure (some hate him, others claim he’s just a jokester), he’s a good example of someone that many here wouldn’t want here, as it would destroy the dynamic and purpose.

So yeah, I am bouncing, as he and I just can’t co-exist, and given he seems popular, and I burned my own bridges, I don’t think I’m wanted around here anymore, anyhow. Consider it a self imposed ban. I regret deeply what I said, as it shamed me, hurt others, and was unjustifiable even if said to someone I detest. I cant take it back. So, I can only take my licks, admit I did it, apologize, and move on.

On that final note. Peter apparently rejects my apology (I can understand this, in all fairness), but makes some absurd statements like, “which would only be forgivable if he had the balls to say it to me and take a smack in the mouth”, as though I was gonna fly out to Vegas to meet up with him in person. He later ads, “Btw toad never apologized, and only feels shame for what everyone has seen. He isnt sorry, and didnt apologize to me.” Well, @Peter Gozintite I AM sorry about the things I said. Sincerely. I thought my post was pretty straightforward, but apparently since it wasn’t in reply to you, it didn’t count? Well, I DID mean it. And yes, I am also ashamed, but it’s far more because of personal guilt than concern of appearance, though I absolutely hate that I have forever tarnished my own name and reputation amongst people I care about and who I respect. So, take some satisfaction there. I loathe you, but I had no right to say what I did.
solid -
its obvious you have a good heart -
keep the faith, man!
Could have been worse. Could have been born in Florida...
As for all the other drama,,, F--- that.... It's over now.... Nothing that i can say that hasn't already been said by someone.. Time to turn the page. I will say I am apprehensive and will do a little bit more lurking and less posting for a few days.

So for all PG’s insistence that I can’t handle message boards and bring about my own destruction, of the 3 examples (Rivals, Hoopla Pit and Hoopla overall), one was legitimate (by my own admission) and the other two, not. Now he’s desperate to spin it otherwise, and probably successful in doing so over at the Hoop, but y’all know me, and thus know better. As I said last night, I came here hoping to rekindle what we had over at Rivals, and even more specifically what we had on Purple Menace, as in the many months we all posted there, there was never ONE single argument or spat. And while I’d be for just about any rivals poster coming over (with a few obvious exceptions), I would never complain if a poster I liked, say Flux, was not invited because others already here, like aubie, may take issue with him. Because I thought that’s what we’d all agreed to. Apparently I was mistaken in that. Knowing who Peter is and what he is, I cannot coexist with him. Again, that in no way excuses or justifies what I said Monday night. But he and I cannot both be here. Apparently Couch feels the same way. If you guys enjoy him, so be it, I sincerely hope you do, but if my opinion still counts for anything (and can understand if it doesn’t), don’t be fooled, and don’t trust him. Laugh and joke and converse, but, always keep in mind it’s a facade.

As for handi, as much was made of him last night, not sure why he’s brought up in association to me, save he (and I am among those that suspect the handle was shared, possibly and probably even by Peter) was constantly trying to goad and antagonize me, unsuccessfully. One of those constantly bitching to Fordman. I could care less. However, as he is a polarizing figure (some hate him, others claim he’s just a jokester), he’s a good example of someone that many here wouldn’t want here, as it would destroy the dynamic and purpose.

So yeah, I am bouncing, as he and I just can’t co-exist, and given he seems popular, and I burned my own bridges, I don’t think I’m wanted around here anymore, anyhow. Consider it a self imposed ban. I regret deeply what I said, as it shamed me, hurt others, and was unjustifiable even if said to someone I detest. I cant take it back. So, I can only take my licks, admit I did it, apologize, and move on.

On that final note. Peter apparently rejects my apology (I can understand this, in all fairness), but makes some absurd statements like, “which would only be forgivable if he had the balls to say it to me and take a smack in the mouth”, as though I was gonna fly out to Vegas to meet up with him in person. He later ads, “Btw toad never apologized, and only feels shame for what everyone has seen. He isnt sorry, and didnt apologize to me.” Well, @Peter Gozintite I AM sorry about the things I said. Sincerely. I thought my post was pretty straightforward, but apparently since it wasn’t in reply to you, it didn’t count? Well, I DID mean it. And yes, I am also ashamed, but it’s far more because of personal guilt than concern of appearance, though I absolutely hate that I have forever tarnished my own name and reputation amongst people I care about and who I respect. So, take some satisfaction there. I loathe you, but I had no right to say what I did.

Can I ask why you don’t simply put him on ignore?
Can I ask why you don’t simply put him on ignore?

I can answer for him--he likes to talk a tremendous amount of shit, and then in (sober) moments of remorse, try to play the victim card or lie about it. He kept saying I beat my wife and kids, repeatedly, for months, after I asked him to stop. He wouldn't. And then when it all went down he said he was just doing it out of some genuine concern for me. He's a bad human being. But again, has moments of clarity when he wants to "bro out" and act like it is some big family.

But I'm glad this is a place you can call someone a bad father for letting their daughter die and not take a permanent ban. Will keep that in mind going forward. It is the Wild Wild Fucking West up in here.
Lol @ all of your convenient memories. Toad, you need help. Im not reading any more of your pit party bullshit. Walk a mile. The only reason you keep professing your sorrow is because these people have seen your true colors. No reason for you to be sorry, you couldnt hurt me even with you "best" effort. Get some help.
To those that are capable of being objective, thank you for seeing things as they are. I tried to help the rivals posters when they came over. I see these boards as a dying thing. People drop off everyday, and if you arent replacing them, the board dies. So I am a firm believer in accepting new people, trying the help them, and then its up to them.
Too many people want to lump everyone into groups. I try not to, but we are all guilty of making assuptions, and being prejudice.
Ill leave this board, of my fruition, because I can, unlike others, leave a board without demanding to banned, cause I cant control myself.
Ill see some you guy at the hoop, others at rivals, and none of you here.
Everything in my being is telling me to stay and be an asshole, deservedly so, but I had no idea how much people are affected by this shit.
Any of you that are content with his apology to YOU, take it. Notice Im not dragging shit back to hoopla? I stand on my god damn own.
Last sign off. Toad, I hope nothing ever happens to your kids. If it does though, I hope someone like you is there to say what you said to me, to you. See how you react. You cant handle this shit. Cry me a river. Save the apology.

Pretty much what you've done to me. Should I just stop trying?

I don’t have you on ignore, just haven’t felt like conversing with a lot of people. I did a little lurking and went through some old posts and exchanges on SO during my hiatus. Just don’t have it in me to jump back to the usual routine.
Lol @ all of your convenient memories. Toad, you need help. Im not reading any more of your pit party bullshit. Walk a mile. The only reason you keep professing your sorrow is because these people have seen your true colors. No reason for you to be sorry, you couldnt hurt me even with you "best" effort. Get some help.
To those that are capable of being objective, thank you for seeing things as they are. I tried to help the rivals posters when they came over. I see these boards as a dying thing. People drop off everyday, and if you arent replacing them, the board dies. So I am a firm believer in accepting new people, trying the help them, and then its up to them.
Too many people want to lump everyone into groups. I try not to, but we are all guilty of making assuptions, and being prejudice.
Ill leave this board, of my fruition, because I can, unlike others, leave a board without demanding to banned, cause I cant control myself.
Ill see some you guy at the hoop, others at rivals, and none of you here.
Everything in my being is telling me to stay and be an asshole, deservedly so, but I had no idea how much people are affected by this shit.
Any of you that are content with his apology to YOU, take it. Notice Im not dragging shit back to hoopla? I stand on my god damn own.
Last sign off. Toad, I hope nothing ever happens to your kids. If it does though, I hope someone like you is there to say what you said to me, to you. See how you react. You cant handle this shit. Cry me a river. Save the apology.


Why did you ban me? The Hoop was a shit talking haven for a while. And then, bam. I was booted with zero warning.

So for all PG’s insistence that I can’t handle message boards and bring about my own destruction, of the 3 examples (Rivals, Hoopla Pit and Hoopla overall), one was legitimate (by my own admission) and the other two, not. Now he’s desperate to spin it otherwise, and probably successful in doing so over at the Hoop, but y’all know me, and thus know better. As I said last night, I came here hoping to rekindle what we had over at Rivals, and even more specifically what we had on Purple Menace, as in the many months we all posted there, there was never ONE single argument or spat. And while I’d be for just about any rivals poster coming over (with a few obvious exceptions), I would never complain if a poster I liked, say Flux, was not invited because others already here, like aubie, may take issue with him. Because I thought that’s what we’d all agreed to. Apparently I was mistaken in that. Knowing who Peter is and what he is, I cannot coexist with him. Again, that in no way excuses or justifies what I said Monday night. But he and I cannot both be here. Apparently Couch feels the same way. If you guys enjoy him, so be it, I sincerely hope you do, but if my opinion still counts for anything (and can understand if it doesn’t), don’t be fooled, and don’t trust him. Laugh and joke and converse, but, always keep in mind it’s a facade.

As for handi, as much was made of him last night, not sure why he’s brought up in association to me, save he (and I am among those that suspect the handle was shared, possibly and probably even by Peter) was constantly trying to goad and antagonize me, unsuccessfully. One of those constantly bitching to Fordman. I could care less. However, as he is a polarizing figure (some hate him, others claim he’s just a jokester), he’s a good example of someone that many here wouldn’t want here, as it would destroy the dynamic and purpose.

So yeah, I am bouncing, as he and I just can’t co-exist, and given he seems popular, and I burned my own bridges, I don’t think I’m wanted around here anymore, anyhow. Consider it a self imposed ban. I regret deeply what I said, as it shamed me, hurt others, and was unjustifiable even if said to someone I detest. I cant take it back. So, I can only take my licks, admit I did it, apologize, and move on.

On that final note. Peter apparently rejects my apology (I can understand this, in all fairness), but makes some absurd statements like, “which would only be forgivable if he had the balls to say it to me and take a smack in the mouth”, as though I was gonna fly out to Vegas to meet up with him in person. He later ads, “Btw toad never apologized, and only feels shame for what everyone has seen. He isnt sorry, and didnt apologize to me.” Well, @Peter Gozintite I AM sorry about the things I said. Sincerely. I thought my post was pretty straightforward, but apparently since it wasn’t in reply to you, it didn’t count? Well, I DID mean it. And yes, I am also ashamed, but it’s far more because of personal guilt than concern of appearance, though I absolutely hate that I have forever tarnished my own name and reputation amongst people I care about and who I respect. So, take some satisfaction there. I loathe you, but I had no right to say what I did.

I certainly would like to have you remaining here. Despite us being of different mindsets politically we've always gotten along. Admittedly I didn't know the grounds for you being banned and it wasn't clear the why. Now that you have set that record straight I agree it was a bs ban.

I don't really have a dog in the fight in terms of you and Pete I just don't think he's a master behind the scenes manipulator. My opinion. He's already said he would not participate in the board if it causes such a problem I believe.

Guess that's about it for me on this topic I just wanted to respond to your post. Hope you stick around

Just because I disagree on a topic or person isn't some kind of big deal for me.
I don’t have you on ignore, just haven’t felt like conversing with a lot of people. I did a little lurking and went through some old posts and exchanges on SO during my hiatus. Just don’t have it in me to jump back to the usual routine.
Hell, it's football season now. No worries. Hope you and fam are well.
You know me. It’s not in my nature.

Sure, but I also know you’ve put posters on ignore before. It doesn’t seem in your nature to let one poster literally drive you away from a board.

I do think if anybody needed a legit hiatus from message boards, it’s you. And I don’t mean that as insult or a flippant remark. I think you’re a guy that puts himself in these boards 100% which helps contribute a lot to the community and it’s won you a lot of friends over the years. But a break would do yourself a few favors. Especially if you’re clearly going through some off board stuff.

But I don’t think you should just completely leave because one guy at a temporary board may or may not have had you banned.
Sure, but I also know you’ve put posters on ignore before. It doesn’t seem in your nature to let one poster literally drive you away from a board.

I do think if anybody needed a legit hiatus from message boards, it’s you. And I don’t mean that as insult or a flippant remark. I think you’re a guy that puts himself in these boards 100% which helps contribute a lot to the community and it’s won you a lot of friends over the years. But a break would do yourself a few favors. Especially if you’re clearly going through some off board stuff.

But I don’t think you should just completely leave because one guy at a temporary board may or may not have had you banned.
It’s a fair observation. I do put 100% of myself in things like Rivals…it’s my scorpio nature. Obviously, so is my wrath. I have actually enjoyed my time since being banned from Hoopla. That place was a cast pool. But I was eager to post here as a sort of new Rivals. As for Peter? Y’know dude, I honestly couldn’t even tell you. I cant explain it, really. I mean you’ve seen some of the rivalries/spats and back and forth I’ve had over the years, IronMan, mesecond, monojoro, etc…all of whom are far, far worse than PG in so many ways. Fuck, mesecond tried to get me fired, as well as my father in law. It’s not even like PG pushed my buttons…his personality and mind just don’t mesh well. Similarly to how you and I just naturally take opposing pov’s to most issues, and neither backs down from their position, he’s the same. I won’t even deny that frustration at being double fucked over unfairly twice in a 6 month span isn’t a contributing factor. That justice forced to have been swallowed with a side of contempt eats away at me like an acid. I didn’t want this guy here because I knew I’d round off on him. I did so in the shittiest way possible.

You know I’m obsessive compulsive about some things. I can’t co-exist with him as my seething, simmering resentment would only fester. Hence, I’d rather just not be here, if he is. And I don’t want to be responsible for his bouncing, especially if some here genuinely DO like him. I didn’t want him INVITED. Hard to put the milk back up the udder. Given I’m the one who did wrong, if it’s truly a him versus me, I should be the one sent packing. So, I guess I don’t see it as him driving me from the board, so much as me saying for everyones sake, his, mine and the groups, I’ll play cards at a different table.
It’s a fair observation. I do put 100% of myself in things like Rivals…it’s my scorpio nature. Obviously, so is my wrath. I have actually enjoyed my time since being banned from Hoopla. That place was a cast pool. But I was eager to post here as a sort of new Rivals. As for Peter? Y’know dude, I honestly couldn’t even tell you. I cant explain it, really. I mean you’ve seen some of the rivalries/spats and back and forth I’ve had over the years, IronMan, mesecond, monojoro, etc…all of whom are far, far worse than PG in so many ways. Fuck, mesecond tried to get me fired, as well as my father in law. It’s not even like PG pushed my buttons…his personality and mind just don’t mesh well. Similarly to how you and I just naturally take opposing pov’s to most issues, and neither backs down from their position, he’s the same. I won’t even deny that frustration at being double fucked over unfairly twice in a 6 month span isn’t a contributing factor. That justice forced to have been swallowed with a side of contempt eats away at me like an acid. I didn’t want this guy here because I knew I’d round off on him. I did so in the shittiest way possible.

You know I’m obsessive compulsive about some things. I can’t co-exist with him as my seething, simmering resentment would only fester. Hence, I’d rather just not be here, if he is. And I don’t want to be responsible for his bouncing, especially if some here genuinely DO like him. I didn’t want him INVITED. Hard to put the milk back up the udder. Given I’m the one who did wrong, if it’s truly a him versus me, I should be the one sent packing. So, I guess I don’t see it as him driving me from the board, so much as me saying for everyones sake, his, mine and the groups, I’ll play cards at a different table.

You ain't going nowhere. If you do, I'll be forced to root for Auburn and hate Stannis and I don't think I can live with that.
It’s a fair observation. I do put 100% of myself in things like Rivals…it’s my scorpio nature. Obviously, so is my wrath. I have actually enjoyed my time since being banned from Hoopla. That place was a cast pool. But I was eager to post here as a sort of new Rivals. As for Peter? Y’know dude, I honestly couldn’t even tell you. I cant explain it, really. I mean you’ve seen some of the rivalries/spats and back and forth I’ve had over the years, IronMan, mesecond, monojoro, etc…all of whom are far, far worse than PG in so many ways. Fuck, mesecond tried to get me fired, as well as my father in law. It’s not even like PG pushed my buttons…his personality and mind just don’t mesh well. Similarly to how you and I just naturally take opposing pov’s to most issues, and neither backs down from their position, he’s the same. I won’t even deny that frustration at being double fucked over unfairly twice in a 6 month span isn’t a contributing factor. That justice forced to have been swallowed with a side of contempt eats away at me like an acid. I didn’t want this guy here because I knew I’d round off on him. I did so in the shittiest way possible.

You know I’m obsessive compulsive about some things. I can’t co-exist with him as my seething, simmering resentment would only fester. Hence, I’d rather just not be here, if he is. And I don’t want to be responsible for his bouncing, especially if some here genuinely DO like him. I didn’t want him INVITED. Hard to put the milk back up the udder. Given I’m the one who did wrong, if it’s truly a him versus me, I should be the one sent packing. So, I guess I don’t see it as him driving me from the board, so much as me saying for everyones sake, his, mine and the groups, I’ll play cards at a different table.
Toadman, I respect this. I'm neither in the "for" column, nor the "against" column. I'm generally a man that tries to get along with everyone. I may not LIKE someone, I may not RESPECT someone, but I try to be civil. There are a few exceptions to the rule, which you and I discussed which is why I can understand your position. For the most part, I just ignore people who piss me off. I have intentionally gone after Handi-Job because, well to be honest fun. But overall I'm pretty even keeled. I personally think we can co-exist, but I respect your decision.
It’s a fair observation. I do put 100% of myself in things like Rivals…it’s my scorpio nature. Obviously, so is my wrath. I have actually enjoyed my time since being banned from Hoopla. That place was a cast pool. But I was eager to post here as a sort of new Rivals. As for Peter? Y’know dude, I honestly couldn’t even tell you. I cant explain it, really. I mean you’ve seen some of the rivalries/spats and back and forth I’ve had over the years, IronMan, mesecond, monojoro, etc…all of whom are far, far worse than PG in so many ways. Fuck, mesecond tried to get me fired, as well as my father in law. It’s not even like PG pushed my buttons…his personality and mind just don’t mesh well. Similarly to how you and I just naturally take opposing pov’s to most issues, and neither backs down from their position, he’s the same. I won’t even deny that frustration at being double fucked over unfairly twice in a 6 month span isn’t a contributing factor. That justice forced to have been swallowed with a side of contempt eats away at me like an acid. I didn’t want this guy here because I knew I’d round off on him. I did so in the shittiest way possible.

You know I’m obsessive compulsive about some things. I can’t co-exist with him as my seething, simmering resentment would only fester. Hence, I’d rather just not be here, if he is. And I don’t want to be responsible for his bouncing, especially if some here genuinely DO like him. I didn’t want him INVITED. Hard to put the milk back up the udder. Given I’m the one who did wrong, if it’s truly a him versus me, I should be the one sent packing. So, I guess I don’t see it as him driving me from the board, so much as me saying for everyones sake, his, mine and the groups, I’ll play cards at a different table.

Man you know you're my bro. Did you cross lines? Yes. Have others on here crossed similar lines? Yes.

You apologized and feel like shit. Nothing you can do but put it behind you and show that you're still the person everyone here knows you to be.

I dont like several people here and they dont like me. I just ignore them. Sure, I glance at their posts and go on about my day. You shouldnt let one person dictate whether or not you stay on a message board. It seems there is bad blood there but I dont think leaving is the answer.
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