Fuck Fuck Games in civi workplace

We were fresh out of the shipyards and had to face both an ORSE(reactor operations certification) and a WTEP(hope I remember the acronym but nuclear missile and torpedo certification). We were having around the clock drills while our division was undermanned forcing half of our watch stations in port and report duty … six hours on and six hours off. Someone kidnapped our XO's coffee mug from his first boat and would leave Polaroids of it on various equipment along with ransom notes to stop the drills or the mug gets it. That one did not go over well.
So most of you are familiar with my love of coffee. Did I mention I love my coffee? Any of you who have worked in industry are familiar with "Lock out Tag out". For those of you who are not, it's a means of controlling hazardous energy on a system by placing locks on the power, valves, etc so that a system can be safely worked on. I went to a meeting, and came back to find a safety approved "lock out / tagout" on both my coffee cup and coffee pot. The guys told me "you've had enough damn coffee today" LOL!
So most of you are familiar with my love of coffee. Did I mention I love my coffee? Any of you who have worked in industry are familiar with "Lock out Tag out". For those of you who are not, it's a means of controlling hazardous energy on a system by placing locks on the power, valves, etc so that a system can be safely worked on. I went to a meeting, and came back to find a safety approved "lock out / tagout" on both my coffee cup and coffee pot. The guys told me "you've had enough damn coffee today" LOL!

I worked at NSSF, Groton while rehabbing my knee. On a CT cold assed three day weekend, we hoisted the DO's Cushman and then locked out the hoist. He rode a bicycle all along the mouth of the Thames river all weekend because he did not know how to legally remove the locks.
Not work related but comes under the RUTHLESS category.

We'd given our daughter a pretty new Lexus for HS graduation. Of course, she had to show it off and took her friends to a local restaurant.

We eased over and with our extra key, moved it around the corner of the parking lot while they were dining.

I understand MAJOR hysterics were involved when she came out and found the car missing. Mercifully one of the friends found it before police and resuscitation were involved.

Afterward, she insisted on having ALL the keys before she went anywhere.
Last one until I am sure of statutes of limitations: A great guy at work bought a new truck and was going to drive from Roanoke, VA to Sturgis with his Harley in tow. Every other day for almost a month, me and a buddy would sneak out at lunch and add two or three gallons of gas to his truck. He never figured out how he got 6MPG better driving in town than on the interstate. We also put a gay pride sticker on his passengers' side mud flap.
Last one until I am sure of statutes of limitations: A great guy at work bought a new truck and was going to drive from Roanoke, VA to Sturgis with his Harley in tow. Every other day for almost a month, me and a buddy would sneak out at lunch and add two or three gallons of gas to his truck. He never figured out how he got 6MPG better driving in town than on the interstate. We also put a gay pride sticker on his passengers' side mud flap.
One of the rules we had at work was that all tool lockers had to be kept locked at all times. One of our electricians was notorious for leaving his unlocked and had been talked to several times about it. I came in one morning and he had already left after working night shift, and his locker was unlocked... again. I taped cardboard to the front of it to hold them in, and completely filled his locker with packing peanuts, pushed the door up to the cardboard, and quickly yanked out the cardboard and closed the door. I was still there when he came in that evening and opened his locker. Peanuts went everywhere, and for the rest of the project his name was "Peanut" LOL! FYI, he NEVER left his locker open again, even when he was in the shop LOL!
Had gung ho military guy who had qualified to try Ranger school.

Office threw him Good Luck party with gifts, foot powder, socks, electrolyte packages. Of course, we saved best gift for last. A pair of mens bikini camo underwear.

He turned 20 shades of red.

Oddly, he "forgot" to take them with him when he left work that day.

Lived around the corner from me, so being the kind hearted soul I am, I took them by his house. Wife opens the door, I'm dangling them from my finger and say, Bob left these at the office today.

I often wondered about how THAT conversation went.

And, yes, he made Ranger
Had gung ho military guy who had qualified to try Ranger school.

Office threw him Good Luck party with gifts, foot powder, socks, electrolyte packages. Of course, we saved best gift for last. A pair of mens bikini camo underwear.

He turned 20 shades of red.

Oddly, he "forgot" to take them with him when he left work that day.

Lived around the corner from me, so being the kind hearted soul I am, I took them by his house. Wife opens the door, I'm dangling them from my finger and say, Bob left these at the office today.

I often wondered about how THAT conversation went.

And, yes, he made Ranger
You my lady are VICIOUS! LOL!
Had gung ho military guy who had qualified to try Ranger school.

Office threw him Good Luck party with gifts, foot powder, socks, electrolyte packages. Of course, we saved best gift for last. A pair of mens bikini camo underwear.

He turned 20 shades of red.

Oddly, he "forgot" to take them with him when he left work that day.

Lived around the corner from me, so being the kind hearted soul I am, I took them by his house. Wife opens the door, I'm dangling them from my finger and say, Bob left these at the office today.

I often wondered about how THAT conversation went.

And, yes, he made Ranger
I wasn't involved with this one, but was just a casual observer to the carnage.
Because we were working with Chemical Munitions (Mustard agent and Nerve agents) we were required to wear 100% company provided clothing, including undergarments. One of our mechanics wife packed his lunch everyday, and cleaned out his lunchbox when he got home everyday. He never looked in it after meal time.
Someone (I never did find out who) took some womens panties from the fresh laundry room and placed them in his lunchbox with a note along the lines of "something to remember me by". His wife freaked the hell out, and kicked him out of the house and called a lawyer. It took him two weeks of groveling before she finally believed that he was the victim of a practical joke gone bad. That was one stressed out dude.
I wasn't involved with this one, but was just a casual observer to the carnage.
Because we were working with Chemical Munitions (Mustard agent and Nerve agents) we were required to wear 100% company provided clothing, including undergarments. One of our mechanics wife packed his lunch everyday, and cleaned out his lunchbox when he got home everyday. He never looked in it after meal time.
Someone (I never did find out who) took some womens panties from the fresh laundry room and placed them in his lunchbox with a note along the lines of "something to remember me by". His wife freaked the hell out, and kicked him out of the house and called a lawyer. It took him two weeks of groveling before she finally believed that he was the victim of a practical joke gone bad. That was one stressed out dude.

Haha, yeah, you have to step in and own up to the joke before major crap happens.

Fortunately, Ranger dude's wife knew he was in a group of HORRIBLE pranksters.

I mean we were the people who left the unwrapped baby ruth in the office suggestion box, LONG before Caddyshack came out.

End of suggestion box.
Had a boss we all suspected never actually READ the various memos that came around but just stapled a routing slip each of us was supposed to check, then it was filed.

Our most genius practical joker dummies up a BLAH Company Official Burial Plan.

From the Presidents of the divisions getting a gold inlay sarcophagus carried by designated Union employees to a DIY cremation kit (5 gallon can of gasoline and a match) for new hires.

Slipped it in his inbox. Sure enough, a day later, it was routing around the office for everyone's signature. Then it got filed.

He never caught on and we all laughed like loons when we'd hear WTH from someone who wasn't in in it
Haha, yeah, you have to step in and own up to the joke before major crap happens.

Fortunately, Ranger dude's wife knew he was in a group of HORRIBLE pranksters.

I mean we were the people who left the unwrapped baby ruth in the office suggestion box, LONG before Caddyshack came out.

End of suggestion box.
Never did find out who did it, but it took one of his work buddies wife, who was friends with the guys wife to talk to her and explain to her how easy it was for someone to set him up. All of us managers had a talk with our shifts to try and explain to the perpetrator that he needed to come clean, not to us, but to him but no one did. It was obviously someone who didn't like the dude which was surprising because he was well liked.
Police commissioner's wife threw a pair of sexy black and red panties in the back seat of my patrol car and then pretended to "find" them. I had been off the weekend before and others were using my car. I made a poster telling them that the PC's wife found them and they needed to cover their asses better. Left it with the panties on the bulletin board. After a week, when I went back to night shift I took it down and attached the panties to her rear license plate. She noticed 3 days later after taking her kids to Christian school. She vowed to never get into a prank contest with me again...
If one of you had been shot over a coupla things I've read and I was the judge when the case was being heard, I'd have to look at you and say"What? You think you didn't deserve it? Case dismissed."

Savages some of you be.

And yes, when I was in the Navy we had our tricks also.
One of my best ones from my Navy days...
My branch chief had the same routine every day, come into the shop, put his keys and cover (hat for you civilians) into his desk and head for the chiefs mess for coffee. I spent half the day going around to offices collecting "paper assholes" from all the hole punchers on the desks. I had a bagful. I took a very large capacitor from a RADAR system, charged it and wired it to his desk drawer with a "dead man switch" so that when his desk drawer opened about 6" it would discharge the capacitor into the desk handle. (typical all metal gun Navy grey desk) I filled his desk drawer with that bag full of punch confetti and wired up the capacitor. He comes in the next morning, goes to open up his desk and "CRACK" the cap discharged, he snatched his hand back and paper assholes and the entire contents of his desk drawer went everywhere! He was one seriously pissed off Navy Chief! I didn't fess up until my retirement ceremony. He was still pissed about it by the way LOL!
Many, many moons ago as a young buck, I stuck a pair of stiletto high heels found by someone near the top of the company dumpster in the married boss's truck deep under the seat. Another co-worker placed some condom packaging (the square things they come in) all over his cab. Im sure his wife did some digging and found the heels.

A few years ago some of the office women used white-out on the target's computer so she couldnt see the keys she was typing if needed (that would slow down even the best typists I would guess). She spent hours cleaning her computer. Thats all I got...
If one of you had been shot over a coupla things I've read and I was the judge when the case was being heard, I'd have to look at you and say"What? You think you didn't deserve it? Case dismissed."

Savages some of you be.

And yes, when I was in the Navy we had our tricks also.

I have told both my wife and coworkers, "If my wife ever snaps and kills me, I expect someone will provide justification".