FYI - txTIGER1963

Goddamn I hate this kind of shit... Knee Draggin has always been cool.. but I wouldnt want anybody to feel that alone.. Praying for good to overcome..
BTW, if it isn't already, someone needs to share this thread with Soundoff. Our friend still has many acquaintances over there that need to know what's going on with him.
People have bumped the thread on there a few times to ask for updates. I gave them the latest news that I could find in this thread. I’m not exactly in the loop on this, but I’m happy to report any info from here to there or vice versa. If you get any updates, you’re welcome to tag me, and I’d be glad to share it in the sound off thread.
People have bumped the thread on there a few times to ask for updates. I gave them the latest news that I could find in this thread. I’m not exactly in the loop on this, but I’m happy to report any info from here to there or vice versa. If you get any updates, you’re welcome to tag me, and I’d be glad to share it in the sound off thread.

He was the first poster I met in the real world about 10 years ago and has become a really good friend over the years. Hell, my wife even likes him.

His middle daughter is a senior in HS now and she actually remembered meeting us. Anyway, I check in with his oldest every few days so I'll be sure to tag you each time I get an update. Thanks, man.
He was the first poster I met in the real world about 10 years ago and has become a really good friend over the years. Hell, my wife even likes him.

His middle daughter is a senior in HS now and she actually remembered meeting us. Anyway, I check in with his oldest every few days so I'll be sure to tag you each time I get an update. Thanks, man.
Just saw Razzle’s soundoff thread with a link to this thread. People should know where to find any updates, but I’d still be happy to keep the original thread updated for anyone who might not want to click the link or in case Razzle’s thread drops off the front page.
Just saw Razzle’s soundoff thread with a link to this thread. People should know where to find any updates, but I’d still be happy to keep the original thread updated for anyone who might not want to click the link or in case Razzle’s thread drops off the front page.

Like I said, I'll be sure to tag you with any updates I get. I try not to bother his daughter too much. She has her hands full. He raised his kids by himself and now she's dealing with trying to work a full time job, take care of her 2 teenage siblings, and keep up with him in the hospital. He's been in the hospital for over 2 months now. He was a few miles from their house but now that he's been moved, it's a 30-45 minute drive one way for her to go to the hospital after work each day. While he is awake and aware now, he's still gonna be in the hospital for weeks....maybe months.
Hey Man,, @OldDevilDawg has access to his daughter, and provides periodic updates.. the last we heard is that he is doing ok,, but facing a long hospital stay.. go back a few post and you'll be up to date..
Good to see you bud,,
i totally forgot about 5Q... i'm ashamed of myself... and ya'll know that i know what a long hospital stay is like..... UGH... it's only fun when they give you opiates and have hot nurses give you sponge baths.. thats about it
i totally forgot about 5Q... i'm ashamed of myself... and ya'll know that i know what a long hospital stay is like..... UGH... it's only fun when they give you opiates and have hot nurses give you sponge baths.. thats about it
This is a great place man,, the pace is a bit slow at the moment,, but I like it like that,, you can get caught up quickly without spending 12 hours a day monitoring here,, that is for people who actually do have lives if there are such people lol..