FYI - txTIGER1963

Hey y'all, remember Knee Draggin? He is posting porn left and right on rivals in a thread about whether or not he should leave a note or not to suicide. Scary stuff y'all. I'll keep y'all updated. I'm really worried about our brother. He just said his wife is a whore. It's Valentine's day for God's sake.
I hope he gets some help. Damn man!!!
Hey y'all, remember Knee Draggin? He is posting porn left and right on rivals in a thread about whether or not he should leave a note or not to suicide. Scary stuff y'all. I'll keep y'all updated. I'm really worried about our brother. He just said his wife is a whore. It's Valentine's day for God's sake.

We need to get his ass over here. I'm on it.
Okay, we've got to send him a flower bouquet with a few beers stashed and a note from all of us full dabo.

Anyone down for this venture? I mean this has to be the biggest sum bitch of a bouquet ever made. Let's get it going.
Okay, we've got to send him a flower bouquet with a few beers stashed and a note from all of us full dabo.

Anyone down for this venture? I mean this has to be the biggest sum bitch of a bouquet ever made. Let's get it going.

He don't drink. He's more of a weed freak than @CouchOnFire. How we gonna pull that off without sending his ass to jail?