Gimme best/worse title ideas 4 CowpokeU

The title changing was all fun and games until @CowpokeU decided to associate me with the the baby bears. I have unhealthy Auburn type hate for those guys. So posters of the 5th. I want your ideas for @CowpokeU new title. ideas will go thru Sunday. Monday there will be a poll of the worse/best ideas for pokes new title. Post as many as you like. My associate and i will trash the light hearted ideas. @CowpokeU didnt think i had forgot did you???

"ODD's fetchboi.

As in, "Hey princess, fetch me a beer."
Sheriff Bufford wannabe
I'm giving you guys until tomorrow at 300pm EST!!!!
Since not enough for poll. Just turned this thread into a Monarchy....
The title that made me go, ohh that's just mean,,,Lost horribly playing Cowboys and Indians. just damn RD, have you considered talking w/ someone?? :) love the spirit... loved it so much I just had to make a special mention of it.
@CouchOnFire Pretty cool for a hipster is what we will go with... @RTR...USN (ret) thanks for the help. ill let you and @CowpokeU work out details. thanks for playing along boys and girls...