It’s ND - Michigan week


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Of the whole season this is the only game that has worried me. Georgia didn’t bother me because most
, myself included had them in the top 4. And knew that game would be so over hyped it would have been insane to expect a win there. But with Michigan that is a program with the same level of players and coaching. Harbaugh is a lot like Kelly. He wins the games that he should win. And tends to drop the games that really matter.

I would give ND the over all edge, but with the game at night at The Big House coming off a very emotional loss to PSU. I could see that defense wanting revenge. And about the only school that gets more grief for losing streaks than ND is Michigan.

So hopefully big blues back is broken now with two losses, and loses some will to fight. So that ND can get a win out of next weekend.

As far as the game in the game. I think it comes down to ND Oline ability to keep Book out of trouble. Because it is crazy how often that Michigan D is getting pressure on the QB. And the ND secondary ability to keep passing game in check. ND has been a little up and down in that area. So will be interesting to see if Kelly and the DC Lea will have them ready.
Of the whole season this is the only game that has worried me. Georgia didn’t bother me because most
, myself included had them in the top 4. And knew that game would be so over hyped it would have been insane to expect a win there. But with Michigan that is a program with the same level of players and coaching. Harbaugh is a lot like Kelly. He wins the games that he should win. And tends to drop the games that really matter.

I would give ND the over all edge, but with the game at night at The Big House coming off a very emotional loss to PSU. I could see that defense wanting revenge. And about the only school that gets more grief for losing streaks than ND is Michigan.

So hopefully big blues back is broken now with two losses, and loses some will to fight. So that ND can get a win out of next weekend.

As far as the game in the game. I think it comes down to ND Oline ability to keep Book out of trouble. Because it is crazy how often that Michigan D is getting pressure on the QB. And the ND secondary ability to keep passing game in check. ND has been a little up and down in that area. So will be interesting to see if Kelly and the DC Lea will have them ready.
After watching Michigan yesterday, I for one was not impressed. Their offense was inept most of the game and it was too little too late. I think ND wins this game handily.
After watching Michigan yesterday, I for one was not impressed. Their offense was inept most of the game and it was too little too late. I think ND wins this game handily.

Unfortunately I think you're right. My big amped up weekend of football mixed with trick or treating with the kids was knocked down a peg. Though I didn't think we would beat Penn State anyway. Wisconsin laying an egg really sucks, as I thought they could give the Buckeyes a 4 quarter battle but definitely not now. Oh well I guess everyone in the family can do smack talk and just have fun with it.
I think it will be a close game, at least until late in the game. This is always a fun game with lots of UM and ND fans around here, but no one seems overly confident this year.

Big plays by ND on offense probably put them over the top.
I think it will be a close game, at least until late in the game. This is always a fun game with lots of UM and ND fans around here, but no one seems overly confident this year.

Big plays by ND on offense probably put them over the top.

Have you seen ND on offense this year.

It is insane to say this for a Brian Kelly team. But it is the defense that is keeping ND in games. They have no real deep threat. And the QB couldn't throw accurately that far even if they did. ND is a 15 to 20 yard team. Special teams are much better than they were in the past (no more little giants) however they are seriously lacking in their run game and their deep threats.

That said I would put this defense against just about team in the country. The question is can they stay rested with the offense going 3 and out all night
Have you seen ND on offense this year.

It is insane to say this for a Brian Kelly team. But it is the defense that is keeping ND in games. They have no real deep threat. And the QB couldn't throw accurately that far even if they did. ND is a 15 to 20 yard team. Special teams are much better than they were in the past (no more little giants) however they are seriously lacking in their run game and their deep threats.

That said I would put this defense against just about team in the country. The question is can they stay rested with the offense going 3 and out all night

I've seen very little of ND this year so I guess I'm basing it on assumptions on what ND usually does well.

I guess I'll call this a Pick Em.
If it was in South Bend I think it wouldn’t be a game,but in the big house should come down to turnovers and field position in a 4 quarter game...give Michigan credit for fighting back after 21 points down vs PSU..Harbaugh needs a win vs somebody good.
If it was in South Bend I think it wouldn’t be a game,but in the big house should come down to turnovers and field position in a 4 quarter game...give Michigan credit for fighting back after 21 points down vs PSU..Harbaugh needs a win vs somebody good.
You like Khakis dont you?
If either team can get a cheap 6, ret, pick6, etc it could be the difference. 1st team to 20 wins. I enjoy those type games.
Okay I know I make fun of Harbaugh a lot (to be fair I do the same of Kelly). But seriously just watched the press conference. WTF, this guy doesn't make a lick of fucking sense when he talks. No wonder they can't win. This is right next to Lee telling Ewell "take this hill if at all practicable"

Okay I know I make fun of Harbaugh a lot (to be fair I do the same of Kelly). But seriously just watched the press conference. WTF, this guy doesn't make a lick of fucking sense when he talks. No wonder they can't win. This is right next to Lee telling Ewell "take this hill if at all practicable"

Seemed fine and made sense to me. 🤷‍♂️
I took Michigan last week and was wrong so I will go with ND this week and will probably be wrong again.....Michigan has had a tough couple of weeks and ND is coming off a bye I believe....