Least desirable job/profession

Please tell me that's not @RazzlDazzl. 😄
I've been told that it was good duty. Great food, etc. Takes a special mentality I suppose but on the other hand I fear heights and flew helicopters in the Corps. Go figure 🙃

I failed the psych exam so they let me in … there is a bit of truth in that because I messed with the shrink enough that I had to visit the CMC and XO for documented counseling.
I failed the psych exam so they let me in … there is a bit of truth in that because I messed with the shrink enough that I had to visit the CMC and XO for documented counseling.
Part of our Aircrew requirements was that once a quarter, we had to meet with the XO and CMC. The squadron had implemented an "Aircrew Reliability Program" to make sure that all the combat crews were mentally and physically able to carry out our mission duties. I was asked what I did for stress relief. My answer was golf, which was fine. They asked me if I did anything else. My answer was shooting. They asked me how that relieves stress. I told them I set up a silhouette 25 yards down range with the name of who I'm pissed off at and empty a couple of magazines. They didn't like that answer at all. They grounded me for 30 days and sent me to see a shrink at Pearl Harbor LOL! When I explained to the shrink that shooting was a cultural thing, that EVERYBODY I grew up with went shooting for fun he laughed about it and sent me on my way. Too funny!
I've been told that it was good duty. Great food, etc. Takes a special mentality I suppose but on the other hand I fear heights and flew helicopters in the Corps. Go figure 🙃
I may have told you this earlier. My best friend growing up was Crew Chief on Marine 1 for both Reagan and Bush Senior. When Clinton became President he interviewed Randy. Randy told me it took about 10 minutes before Randy came to the conclusion that he wanted no part of flying him. Has answer was thank you Mr. President but I am retiring. He got a cushy job at an aero space company in CA.
Part of our Aircrew requirements was that once a quarter, we had to meet with the XO and CMC. The squadron had implemented an "Aircrew Reliability Program" to make sure that all the combat crews were mentally and physically able to carry out our mission duties. I was asked what I did for stress relief. My answer was golf, which was fine. They asked me if I did anything else. My answer was shooting. They asked me how that relieves stress. I told them I set up a silhouette 25 yards down range with the name of who I'm pissed off at and empty a couple of magazines. They didn't like that answer at all. They grounded me for 30 days and sent me to see a shrink at Pearl Harbor LOL! When I explained to the shrink that shooting was a cultural thing, that EVERYBODY I grew up with went shooting for fun he laughed about it and sent me on my way. Too funny!
If I haven't thanked you for your service before, I apologize. My uncle spent two hours this morning telling me about his.

I always held my tongue with him and my grandfather. I figured if they wanted to tell me they would.

I hid the tears this morning with my sunglasses.
I may have told you this earlier. My best friend growing up was Crew Chief on Marine 1 for both Reagan and Bush Senior. When Clinton became President he interviewed Randy. Randy told me it took about 10 minutes before Randy came to the conclusion that he wanted no part of flying him. Has answer was thank you Mr. President but I am retiring. He got a cushy job at an aero space company in CA.
But he then had to live in CA. Gog, Bubba was that bad?
Part of our Aircrew requirements was that once a quarter, we had to meet with the XO and CMC. The squadron had implemented an "Aircrew Reliability Program" to make sure that all the combat crews were mentally and physically able to carry out our mission duties. I was asked what I did for stress relief. My answer was golf, which was fine. They asked me if I did anything else. My answer was shooting. They asked me how that relieves stress. I told them I set up a silhouette 25 yards down range with the name of who I'm pissed off at and empty a couple of magazines. They didn't like that answer at all. They grounded me for 30 days and sent me to see a shrink at Pearl Harbor LOL! When I explained to the shrink that shooting was a cultural thing, that EVERYBODY I grew up with went shooting for fun he laughed about it and sent me on my way. Too funny!

I have a weird way of incorporating comedy routines/material as a story in my RL world, just to make a joke. That being said, with me it went south when she asked if my father beat me. "Yes Ma'am". Are you serious? "Yes, Ma'am". How often? "Every evening, but the weekends were worse because we had two uninterrupted days and nights so it was as often as possible, but that was mostly my fault". With concern in her voice and tears in her eyes … why would you say it was your fault? "Because I never was worth a shit at checkers". TWTFS
I may have told you this earlier. My best friend growing up was Crew Chief on Marine 1 for both Reagan and Bush Senior. When Clinton became President he interviewed Randy. Randy told me it took about 10 minutes before Randy came to the conclusion that he wanted no part of flying him. Has answer was thank you Mr. President but I am retiring. He got a cushy job at an aero space company in CA.
I do remember. IMO, your friend made a wise move.