Pacing of the forum

I never watched a single episode of Doctor Who until Jodie Whittaker was announced as the next one. After that, I splurged and deep dove into the series history, over 50 years worth of episodes and spinoffs which took a bit before finally catching up. One of the fun things about that show is that you can just about jump on just about anytime despite the heavy volume of work already out there.

Of course I limited myself to the TV material, not so much the radio or book adaptations. Outside of TV, I've mostly consulted the TARDIS Fandom site. Fandom wikis are some of the best sites to visit when you need information fast on something and TARDIS, the one for Doctor Who is a treasure trove for information.

EDIT: Slight amendment. I do recall watching some Doctor Who as a child, but nothing really stuck with me. It was just this weird thing PBS would air late at night along with Are You Being Served and that show about what planets and/or stars were going to be available for viewing with your telescope over the following week.
Eccleston is coming to KC Comicon this year.
Slight amendment. I do recall watching some Doctor Who as a child, but nothing really stuck with me. It was just this weird thing PBS would air late at night along with Are You Being Served and that show about what planets and/or stars were going to be available for viewing with your telescope over the following week.

When I was a kid, PBS was my favorite channel for late night viewing. I was an outcast in my own home.
Hate to say it but we need a few insufferable trolls to pick on over here. Those Clemson trolls on SO had all the LSU posters on guard and ready for battle. Realistic and Rod Dangerfield are tagging the shit out of them... they gone.
I would agree. You need ALL types of personalities to build this forum. The problem is......some have come here and been banned immediately, some have come here and have their posts changed by others, some have been riddled with rediculous monikers under their avatars to which they don’t control. Some have come and left and have not returned.

I know a lot is done in fun which is no problem for me.....I have a pretty thick skin. What you have here is a core group of people, some of those still harbor difficult feelings from the SO purge that tends to dictate the types of people you are willing to let join this forum. As long as that goes on, it will be extremely difficult, with the other happenings above, for this to grow much from where it is currently.

Im not picking on anyone in particular, it’s just the vibe that this forum gives off. Believe it or not ALOT of people lurk here as you are aware of, and they see what goes on. They just elect not to set themselves up to be targets for the sharpshooters of this board.

I would suggest a re-evaluation of what your current members want for this forum. JMHO of course.
I would agree. You need ALL types of personalities to build this forum. The problem is......some have come here and been banned immediately, some have come here and have their posts changed by others, some have been riddled with rediculous monikers under their avatars to which they don’t control. Some have come and left and have not returned.

I know a lot is done in fun which is no problem for me.....I have a pretty thick skin. What you have here is a core group of people, some of those still harbor difficult feelings from the SO purge that tends to dictate the types of people you are willing to let join this forum. As long as that goes on, it will be extremely difficult, with the other happenings above, for this to grow much from where it is currently.

Im not picking on anyone in particular, it’s just the vibe that this forum gives off. Believe it or not ALOT of people lurk here as you are aware of, and they see what goes on. They just elect not to set themselves up to be targets for the sharpshooters of this board.

I would suggest a re-evaluation of what your current members want for this forum. JMHO of course.
The core wants a private club without their enemies.
I never watched a single episode of Doctor Who until Jodie Whittaker was announced as the next one. After that, I splurged and deep dove into the series history, over 50 years worth of episodes and spinoffs which took a bit before finally catching up. One of the fun things about that show is that you can just about jump on just about anytime despite the heavy volume of work already out there.

Of course I limited myself to the TV material, not so much the radio or book adaptations. Outside of TV, I've mostly consulted the TARDIS Fandom site. Fandom wikis are some of the best sites to visit when you need information fast on something and TARDIS, the one for Doctor Who is a treasure trove for information.

EDIT: Slight amendment. I do recall watching some Doctor Who as a child, but nothing really stuck with me. It was just this weird thing PBS would air late at night along with Are You Being Served and that show about what planets and/or stars were going to be available for viewing with your telescope over the following week.
I am the opposite of you. I stopped watching with the introduction of Jodie. A female Dr. Who just doesn't feel right. I had no problem with the female Master (she was freaking awesome in that role). A precedent was set many decades ago for a male Dr. Who. It is the same thing as female college football sports announcers, or a female Santa Claus, it just doesn't feel right. Like you, I watched the PBS episodes and became a fan. Even my ringtone is the opening music to the show. They should have made Jodie a sister or daughter of the doctor, and put him on hiatus during Jodie's run as the show's lead character. That way, they could bring him back and have concurrent shows of both characters, satisfying everyone.
I would agree. You need ALL types of personalities to build this forum. The problem is......some have come here and been banned immediately, some have come here and have their posts changed by others, some have been riddled with rediculous monikers under their avatars to which they don’t control. Some have come and left and have not returned.

I know a lot is done in fun which is no problem for me.....I have a pretty thick skin. What you have here is a core group of people, some of those still harbor difficult feelings from the SO purge that tends to dictate the types of people you are willing to let join this forum. As long as that goes on, it will be extremely difficult, with the other happenings above, for this to grow much from where it is currently.

Im not picking on anyone in particular, it’s just the vibe that this forum gives off. Believe it or not ALOT of people lurk here as you are aware of, and they see what goes on. They just elect not to set themselves up to be targets for the sharpshooters of this board.

I would suggest a re-evaluation of what your current members want for this forum. JMHO of course.


I would agree. You need ALL types of personalities to build this forum. The problem is......some have come here and been banned immediately, some have come here and have their posts changed by others, some have been riddled with rediculous monikers under their avatars to which they don’t control. Some have come and left and have not returned.

I know a lot is done in fun which is no problem for me.....I have a pretty thick skin. What you have here is a core group of people, some of those still harbor difficult feelings from the SO purge that tends to dictate the types of people you are willing to let join this forum. As long as that goes on, it will be extremely difficult, with the other happenings above, for this to grow much from where it is currently.

Im not picking on anyone in particular, it’s just the vibe that this forum gives off. Believe it or not ALOT of people lurk here as you are aware of, and they see what goes on. They just elect not to set themselves up to be targets for the sharpshooters of this board.

I would suggest a re-evaluation of what your current members want for this forum. JMHO of course.

Some people are always looking for a "reason". I say let them have it. Just because they don't want to be here doesn't mean this place won't grow.

By pointing out what I consider water under the know...that Soundoff history.... you are just as guilty of the few we have here that don't seem to be able to let shit go.
Some people are always looking for a "reason". I say let them have it. Just because they don't want to be here doesn't mean this place won't grow.

By pointing out what I consider water under the know...that Soundoff history.... you are just as guilty of the few we have here that don't seem to be able to let shit go.
That purge thing didn’t effect me at all. It’s the fact that it still does for some was the only reason I mentioned it. That Clemson dude was a fine example of what I was referring to. I’m not trying to keep others in the past.......I’m just stating fact. Yeah, when I first came here I made references to it, but it was in good fun and not meant to disparage anyone. I will mention the purge no more.
That purge thing didn’t effect me at all. It’s the fact that it still does for some was the only reason I mentioned it. That Clemson dude was a fine example of what I was referring to. I’m not trying to keep others in the past.......I’m just stating fact. Yeah, when I first came here I made references to it, but it was in good fun and not meant to disparage anyone. I will mention the purge no more.

Thing is, many still on SO still talk about it and won't let it go. It happened. It is what it is. I talked with autzenrocks face to face at Nod's place and told him the same thing. Water under the bridge....just let it go. Harboring ill will affect the one that holds the grudge the most. I miss many posters from over there, but if they can't move past it, I don't want them here. You talk about this place being at a standstill...bringing that poison here will kill it.

I agree that a better job needs to be done to point this place in the right direction. I'd cut a couple of posters here if I were a Mod. Call it "Addition by subtraction".

No, I'm not a Mod and no, I'm not gonna say who. It's not my job.

I'm not doom and gloom. I think this forum is growing slowly but surely just like every successful internet forum had to in their infancy. "Rome wasn't built in a day".
Thing is, many still on SO still talk about it and won't let it go. It happened. It is what it is. I talked with autzenrocks face to face at Nod's place and told him the same thing. Water under the bridge....just let it go. Harboring ill will affect the one that holds the grudge the most. I miss many posters from over there, but if they can't move past it, I don't want them here. You talk about this place being at a standstill...bringing that poison here will kill it.

I agree that a better job needs to be done to point this place in the right direction. I'd cut a couple of posters here if I were a Mod. Call it "Addition by subtraction".

No, I'm not a Mod and no, I'm not gonna say who. It's not my job.

I'm not doom and gloom. I think this forum is growing slowly but surely just like every successful internet forum had to in their infancy. "Rome wasn't built in a day".
I believe we have found common ground. Great post!
Thing is, many still on SO still talk about it and won't let it go. It happened. It is what it is. I talked with autzenrocks face to face at Nod's place and told him the same thing. Water under the bridge....just let it go. Harboring ill will affect the one that holds the grudge the most. I miss many posters from over there, but if they can't move past it, I don't want them here. You talk about this place being at a standstill...bringing that poison here will kill it.

I agree that a better job needs to be done to point this place in the right direction. I'd cut a couple of posters here if I were a Mod. Call it "Addition by subtraction".

No, I'm not a Mod and no, I'm not gonna say who. It's not my job.

I'm not doom and gloom. I think this forum is growing slowly but surely just like every successful internet forum had to in their infancy. "Rome wasn't built in a day".
They should have made Jodie a sister or daughter of the doctor, and put him on hiatus during Jodie's run as the show's lead character. That way, they could bring him back and have concurrent shows of both characters, satisfying everyone.

Had that happened, we would not be having this discussion as I would not be watching. If Jodie or any other woman playing the role of a sci-fi character who can regenerate into anyone annoys you that much, then you're just gonna have to be annoyed. Talking to me about it ain't gonna help either of us.