Pacing of the forum

This is a good post,, Honest,, and he brings up some valid points.. I dont necessarily believe there are "Sharpshooters" here waiting to pounce,, just a core group that doesnt want the poison posters to infect this place.
I found it difficult sometimes to exist on SO.. sometimes I would post something that I felt was serious or real just to be attacked or trolled for it by some.. Here I find the overall maturity level more to my liking.. I have layers to my personality and my tone sometimes changes from a dry wit to wet kind of dumassedness.. and Im somewhat accepted here.. and I love it.
Now, Me personally, I welcome people of differing opinions than my own.. that is why I like a national board, due to the aforementioned maturity level, I think we can debate it softly and co-exist..
@Jamesonline Welcome, I assume you have been lurking and are hesitant to come in.. Why dont you give it a try,, whats the harm ? you might find you like it.
There are poison posters everywhere. Why does this board even exist? Because all the posters here were being nice on SO?
sad baby GIF
There are poison posters everywhere. Why does this board even exist? Because all the posters here were being nice on SO?

Because a very good friend of mine started working to build it well before "the Purge" on Soundoff happened. @FifthQuarter has been working on his opus for many years. The place we are posting now is a result of his hard work and dedication to building something he believes in...and has believed in for 5 years that I know of. I am here for him. You hide behind a false façade of bullshit bitterness. Enjoy your hate, but I promise your hate will not stop what my friend is building here.
I'm just here for pizza rolls @ThereIsNoPlace @toadman and the gang bang initiation of @Jamesonline

You lie. You are here because you love us heathens. You hate us and feel sorry for us for being stupid, but you love us anyway.....because you are more aware of the world than we are. Thank your Native American teachings for that. I do.
You lie. You are here because you love us heathens. You hate us and feel sorry for us for being stupid, but you love us anyway.....because you are more aware of the world than we are. Thank your Native American teachings for that. I do.

Well, youse all's mah people's so I guess what I'm saying is, I love you guys 3/4ths Dabo