Rocky Bottom, The Pit of Knoxville

Did anybody else see California banned state officials from coming to Iowa on business. Fine by me.

So its said the whistle blower who claims trump pressed the Ukraine to investigate bidens son didn't have direct knowledge of the phone call. Then Ukraine's president claims he felt no pressure from trump at all. Hmmmmmm sounds like another possible b.s. claim to try to smear Trump again.
So its said the whistle blower who claims trump pressed the Ukraine to investigate bidens son didn't have direct knowledge of the phone call. Then Ukraine's president claims he felt no pressure from trump at all. Hmmmmmm sounds like another possible b.s. claim to try to smear Trump again.
That's all they have - bs claims. And this one will come back to hurt Biden. You'd think they would just stop with this, but they've completely lost their collective mind.
That's all they have - bs claims. And this one will come back to hurt Biden. You'd think they would just stop with this, but they've completely lost their collective mind.
Yeah it's actually entertaining at times to see what they will come up with to throw against the wall hoping anything will stick. And you hit upon their biggest problem in your last sentence. "Collective mind" The far left (individual) has just about lost the ability to think for themselves. And they think that everyone should believe exactly the same as the collective.
Yeah it's actually entertaining at times to see what they will come up with to throw against the wall hoping anything will stick. And you hit upon their biggest problem in your last sentence. "Collective mind" The far left (individual) has just about lost the ability to think for themselves. And they think that everyone should believe exactly the same as the collective.
I'm ok with people having differing opinions than me. That's healthy (to a degree). But many on the left have forgotten how to think for themselves, and even worse they've forgotten how to be civil towards those with differing opinions. They want to force their opinion upon others, with force if necessary.
I'm ok with people having differing opinions than me. That's healthy (to a degree). But many on the left have forgotten how to think for themselves, and even worse they've forgotten how to be civil towards those with differing opinions. They want to force their opinion upon others, with force if necessary.
Wholeheartedly agree.
On a side note I've looked for pictures of the rodeo days twice now and still haven't found any so if I ever run across them I will post them for you. Kind of makes me sad that I can't find them. Feels like a whole chapter of my life is disappearing, my own fault for not preserving it better.