So let's say you're on a deserted island

Men and/or women?
Wait...are we coming full circle to the cannibalism thread?!!!


He is the friend that I normally ask questions for. It's just the third generation jackass in me, but I am amazed how many people never think of a boat to get off of Gilligan's Island in these scenarios.
Well, since the OP's original post stated "And you can bring 3 things to this island. None which can save you from being deserted. What are you bringing?" that took the option of a boat off the list.
Did you ever think that the island is the destination...not a prison?

At my age/shape, a destination and prison loses distinction.

Well, since the OP's original post stated "And you can bring 3 things to this island. None which can save you from being deserted. What are you bringing?" that took the option of a boat off the list.

It was just a joke. It sounded funny when I typed it but I type in the voice of Al Bundy. Mea culpa.