
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that leaves the loving ones behind to pick up whatever pieces they can.

I've seen enough of them to regard it as a cowardly act, even though some are perhaps understandable at some level.

Your first line is spot on. There are some people that are hell bent on it and you cannot stop them. IF you have ever in your life had a f**k it moment and made an irrational decision, knowing it was wrong and there would be negative consequences, on an impulse then you should understand how those can happen. These are the ones that can be prevented IF they are recognized. I am not trying to lessen or justify the decision but trying to raise awareness because they can be prevented when they are identified.
My aunt shot herself ov4er 25 years ago, my famuly haas nbever recovered and I ne3ver once ever hear my grandfather say his daughters name.. neveer. Her son is the one I found dead 25 years later... Her one decision as several possters have mentioned it just transfers ther pain from them to the opnes left behind. Im not sure if I will ever recover,,,,,,
My aunt shot herself ov4er 25 years ago, my famuly haas nbever recovered and I ne3ver once ever hear my grandfather say his daughters name.. neveer. Her son is the one I found dead 25 years later... Her one decision as several possters have mentioned it just transfers ther pain from them to the opnes left behind. Im not sure if I will ever recover,,,,,,
Im sorry. I have suicide in my family too. I know its difficult, but you seem to be overcoming it. You are probably stronger than anyone on this board.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that leaves the loving ones behind to pick up whatever pieces they can.

I've seen enough of them to regard it as a cowardly act, even though some are perhaps understandable at some level.
You can substitute selfish as well...