What are we drinking tonight?

I bought a bottle of old forester a while back. I saw on some video it was supposed to be basically the same as some other more higher dollar stuff, I just don't remember what. It's alright, I don't think I will buy it again though.
I bought a bottle of old forester a while back. I saw on some video it was supposed to be basically the same as some other more higher dollar stuff, I just don't remember what. It's alright, I don't think I will buy it again though.
I’ve had it once. I liked it but like you I have no desire to buy again. Maybe if it’s on sale I will.
anyone try this?

I was at the local Costco and they had a $20,000 + bottle of scotch whiskey in a locked case.

Holy guacamole, who could afford that shit? I am not a scotch drinker but even if I was it’s $20,000+ out of my budget.
That stuff is for the really important people, or so they think. Yes, it's going to taste better than what you and I drink, but it isn't going to be $19925 better.