Any cool pics or events from the Off Season/Purge?

Which is why I avoid driving through Denver unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

I've driven through Denver once in my life but it was back around 05 or so. I'm sure the driving has changed up.

The worst most absolute send me into a rage is people who drive mountain passes and ride their brakes down. I gear down but if I have to drop it into second for someone's pansy ass, I get mad lol
Rules for driving in Denver:
1. One pedal or the other must be to the floor at all times.
2. Rule number one must be accomplished 6" off the bumper of the car in front of you.
3. Never trust a redlight.
4. Stop signs are a suggestion.
Good luck!
Sounds like metro Atlanta, except #5 would be that texting is mandatory while driving.

BTW - touching your phone is illegal while driving, but 99% of Metro Atlanta drivers missed the memo.
Almost to Laramie, Wyoming. Beautiful country.